Do they really wanna open this door


molṑn labé
Staff member
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is receptive to the idea of prosecuting some Bush administration officials, while letting others who are accused of misdeeds leave office without prosecution, she told Chris Wallace in an interview on "FOX News Sunday."


From now on, all outgoing politicians will have their record review for lapses in judgement & missteps, keeping their name in the spotlight for oh so much longer.

Of course, that migth cripple Washington,...hmmm
damn right, open that baby up , and fry everything that moves.

They'll stop real soon, when it turns back to them, and it will.

Investigate All of um, on both sides.
Nobody is above the law.


how about sandy berger?

how about our new treasury sec'y who 'forgot' to pay his taxes?


as of today, ol buddy ol pal, you are the majority. the fingers get pointed at your fellers. bear up like you wanted everybody else to bear up. lets see how long you last when storms get blamed on your boy

Nobody is above the law.

Liberals Wrong as Usual.

A federal judge ruled yesterday that Vice President Dick Cheney — whom liberals fear as the most powerful non-president in U.S. history — does indeed have broad discretion in determining what records created during his eight-year tenure must be preserved.

Without any evidence that Cheney’s office is failing to safeguard records, it is up to the vice president to determine how he deals with material, U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ruled. “Congress drastically limited the scope of outside inquiries related to the vice president’s handling of his own records during his term in office,” the judge said.

The Presidential Records Act “provides only narrow areas of oversight,” the judge added. The judge found that outside groups suing over the issue failed to prove that Cheney had unlawfully narrowed the definition as to which of his records are presidential records that must be preserved. The judge said Congress must change the law before substantial outside oversight can take place.

Cheney has taken the legal position that his office is not part of the executive branch of government, triggering a lawsuit by several groups including three organizations of historians and archivists concerned that the record of Cheney’s time in office might not be adequately safeguarded.

I wonder what those boxes he insisted on carrying himself contained?

Buddy's a millionaire and he hurts himself because he wants to move certain boxes-personally.
marvelous! glad you finally came around!

move over roger clemens, we need a seat for mr clinton at the perjury hearings

since there are two border patrol agents leaving prison on march 20 for doing their jobs, that makes room for sandy berger and governor blagojevich

man, obama was right! we are going to have change...spike woke up!
I'm not sure makes you think I "came around" when I've always been of the opinion that all criminals of any stripe should be prosecuted. Now if we could just get the people that rail against investigations of the Bush administration to wake up we'd be getting somewhere.

It's like you can't have a single conversation without basing something off a false premise and adding some trolling lam attempt at an insult on top of it. It makes all your points far to easy to refute which in turn probably has something to do with you needing to eventually run away from every conversation. The trolling also makes you look childish.
im right here buddy, aint gone nowhere. i do have to leave every so often and go to work. cant spend all my time educating you and yours, i do have a family of my own and several others who i will never meet depending on my income
Yes all criminals ought to be brought to equal justice. We all know it does not happen, but at least we should, as a nation, try harder at it!

The trouble with Republicans is when it comes to partisan politics they have become the party that does nothing but focus on, and manufacture, or blow out of proportion, every possible scandal on the other side of the aisle, when they are every bit as screwed up.

The trouble with Democrats is that they are so worried about possible scandals that they are loathe to point the finger at real corruption for fear of corruption on their side being found out, and they let the other side get away with a whole lot by just plain wimping out.

The trouble with the whole lot of them is that when push really comes to shove, the power elite on both sides have each other's back against us peons more than any of us probably care to admit.

Would that we could get a viable 3rd and maybe 4th and 5th party!

-Cut to music (Aerosmith's "Dream On")-

:band: :beavbang: :nanabang: :headbang: :trippin: :hairbang: