Do you do it?


New Member
...just turned on the TV, and the first thing I heard was "so women shave their armpits, and men leave them alone". Does this apply to you?

I know it doesn't for me, I do shave my armpits, I hate all the hair sticking out there...
:eek: shave? or trim? :eek:The only man I've known who shaved his pits was a cyclist, but he did his legs too, so I guess it fit.
I shave mine but know no guys who do so. I know guys who TRIM but NOT shave!
i do not shave my armpits, that is kinda considered "gay" in here.
Well, I guess I'm weird...

...but not :gay:, if anyone was thinking that... I love women, a lot of them :headbang: at the same time :headbang:
Don't shave pits. Shave elsewhere though. Wife seems to like it.
don't worry, i know other country's people have other ways, is just that in here that's considered gay. Just like kissing a man in the cheek, which is perfectly normal in another countries.
Don't have wife, nor g/f at the moment. If they'd want me to I probably wouldn't have any problems with it though...
Shadowfax said:
Yeah, there hasn't been a day that I haven't been dreaming about you!

Oooh, don't worry about it, it's not your fault, you can't help the fact that I'm that good looking :cool:

Noooooo legs, absolutely not, I would consider that gay...

...and I don't like shaving the hair on top of my head either, in fact, I've been thinking about letting it grow for a while, never did that in my entire life...

And you know what, I don't care what everyone else thinks, if I like it that way, so be it. :headbang:
Luis G said:
don't worry, i know other country's people have other ways, is just that in here that's considered gay. Just like kissing a man in the cheek, which is perfectly normal in another countries.

Men in Hawaii kiss/hug in greeting here. They're not considered gay.
The same thing happens in Rotterdam here! It's perfectly normal for a guy there to kiss another guy!

Small difference is, that if they do, they are gay most of the time...:D