do you ever get sick of sex talk?



i know we talk a lot of shit here, but do you ever really get tired of it? i can think of all kinds of stuff to say that is sexually oriented, but deep down, i'm really not that interested in saying stuff like that. in fact, when it comes right down to it, it isn't me. i'm really not like that. you ever get tired of putting on the grand facade and acting like sex is important just to be cool? ?(
i'm talking about message boards, not real life

i never talk about sex in real life.
not when you get to your mid to upper 30's. the thrill is gone, sad to say. :eek:
i'm getting to be an old bod is that of a much much much older drunk :eek:
I'll probably never get tired of it, even in RL, but as with most things: if you don't do it, talk about it :(
I'm 40 years old, and I'm not tired of sex yet. In fact, I'm getting more now than when I was married. :dance: :banana2:
:lol: I guess that happens when you're a houseboy barely wrapped in a white towel ;) :D
i never get tired of talking about it, either it is being talk online or on real life.
