Do you fear dying?

Do you fear dying?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well do you? If you are going to die in 2 minutes, no questions asked, are you ready? Or do you fear it?
I don't know actually, I don't really fear death, I think once it's that time I'll accept it. However, I do not want to die, not for a loooooong time, so in that sense I am afraid to die...
I don't want to die either :) Not yet anyways, but if someone is about to kill me I won't beg for my life, and if I have to jump out of a building because of fire I will do that.
i voted no. if i die i believe my soul will create new life on earth and also i do wonder about it. my only regret is that i dont have a family yet and also i didnt make any significant changes in society. other than that im good to go.
OK lets add another question. Consider yourself in this situation. You witnessed a murder or something, and the gang kidnapped you because they don't want a witness and don't want to kill you right there. So there you are, in a small desolate room, and he is pointing a gun at you ready to kill you. Would you beg for your life? :)

I wouldn't, I'm too proud.
I'd probably cry instead of begging, emotions going insane, especially if I just witnessed a murder...
I don't think I will cry. I'm emotional, but I'd be more angry I think. Knowing myself I would either be silent, or cheek them.
I'd probably try and attack them, cos, hey it's worth a shot. :D Even if I was all tied up and shit I'd probably still try.
At this particular time, I probably would. There's a reason our life spans are as long as they are. People near the end of their life span have usually realized by that time that there's not much point in trying to avoid or outrun death, and are ready to accept it.

I'm not ready to accept it. I have websites to run, an education to get, and a million dollars a year to make. :headbang:
I fear dying, what I fear most is not being there for my children as they continue to grow, and not getting to see them have children of thier own. That, and if you refer to the God thread, I'm not quite sure where I'm going after I die yet. Kinda like to get that sorted out first too.