Do you get interested when reading flames in threads?

Do you get interested in flame threads? (not a leading question)

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • No

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters


If you see two or perhaps three people having a good flame thread where they are fighting back and fourth, do you have the urge to want to read it or run away? Do you like to get involved if there is something that you want to say about it even if it is only to call someone a idiot?

I am going to make a poll with only two choices, but feel free to say what you think.
I like to flame a little, but if the discussion doesn't have anything to do with me, i just watch., and sometimes i could get into, and give my opinion, which generally gets me into the flaming too. :D :D
I guess it depends on

a) how hateful the thread and the attitude behind it is
b) how much one side or the other is based on LIES and/or HALFTRUTHS
Let's say this is your old average run of the mill flame thread. Not like people wanting to break legs or anything.
No, Luis, I call it someone trying to make a bad point by starting a poll. Again.
Ditto Leslie and another dependant factor is what the subject is (if it's something that affects me directly). There are discussions I cannot get involved in because of conflicts of interest also but sometimes I just get fed up of seeing the same bullshit over and over and I get involved.

I'm not voting because it's become clear to me that polls like this are for a personal agenda and I don't want to be a part of that no matter who posts it. Whatever the results of the poll are, they are probably going to be exploited in some way so I'd rather leave it be.
Absolutely there is a motive behind this. It is being discussed how far we should let freedom of speech go.

Let's take the Gilbert example. He called Mexicans smelly. Other people were inferring someone was an asshole.

I am asking you folks if you think freedom of speech should allow people to say these kinds of things. If not, then we could lock a thread every time someone says anything that could lead up to a flame thread. I am asking you folks if you read that stuff or would rather not see it.
Originally posted by s4
Absolutely there is a motive behind this. It is being discussed how far we should let freedom of speech go.

Let's take the Gilbert example. He called Mexicans smelly. Other people were inferring someone was an asshole.

I am asking you folks if you think freedom of speech should allow people to say these kinds of things. If not, then we could lock a thread every time someone says anything that could lead up to a flame thread. I am asking you folks if you read that stuff or would rather not see it.

Are you asking on behalf of all the mod's and admin? I trust in the collective decisions of the admin of this board. That's what they're there for-to make these decisions. If my opinion is needed to help them make this decision, fine (I believe I've already posted my opinion). But I'm not going to give a simple 'yes' or 'no' because it's never that black or white-there's usually many shades of grey.
I should clarify that I am only interested in your replies for my personal reasons. I am not acting on behalf of any mods or admins other then myself.

The issue of freedom of speech has been raised, and I want your opinions to get an idea of what to should be talked about.
I think that this board should be as free as possible; as long as we obey the rules of the party who runs the server that this site is on, and don't break any laws. We should have very few rules of our own, but personal attacks shouldn't be allowed. Flamming is what OT is all aboot! :D

This site was created in part due to the tight-assed mods and rules over at HWC. Let us not start to turn into that type of a board, full of cencorship. This board is supposed to be free speach, that is why most of us are here. :cool:
Originally posted by sbcanada
but personal attacks shouldn't be allowed. Flamming is what OT is all aboot!

How can you flame without personal attacks? Isn't that a contradiction?
You can flame without calling each other names. Flamming is argument and fighting, but it doesn't have to turn to "you cock sucking bitch" or "fuck you, Yank." When you flame you state your opinion over other's and say they are full of shit. Know what I mean? :D