Do you get interested when reading flames in threads?

Do you get interested in flame threads? (not a leading question)

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • No

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by s4
The issue of freedom of speech has been raised, and I want your opinions to get an idea of what to should be talked about.
you mean what can be talked about..right?

Well you never listen to me anyway, so a big fat NC to ya pal. :p
I am more than willing to spend an entire evening discussing what your problems with me are Q. I am on icq quite a bit.

Fury and I had a very long talk this afternoon and are working on some ideas. The war between Fury and I is over.

How about if you and I talk things over too?
Originally posted by sbcanada
Flamming is argument and fighting, but it doesn't have to turn to "you cock sucking bitch" or "fuck you, Yank."

Wow dude, you used your entire repetoire in one sentence. :D

s4 and fury, glad you got things sorted. I am suprised it got as heated as it did as you both seem like pretty level-headed folk that are doing an excellent job at the moment. :)

I just spent the better part of two days disputing something with people here and you ask me why it was a bad day?
Btw, I am on icq right now in invisible mode if you'd like to talk. I would welcome it.
You expect people to send you a message while you're in invisable mode? How dumb do you think we are? If you wanna talk, get your butt out of invisable mode and stop hiding. :p :D
You can send a message to someone in invisible mode. I'd love to get my butt out of it, but I am going to go eat and will be gone for a while. It looks like Q has left anyway.
Leslie said:
I guess it depends on

a) how hateful the thread and the attitude behind it is
b) how much one side or the other is based on LIES and/or HALFTRUTHS
I wonder what that was all about :lloyd: