Do you remember being "bullied" in school?


New Member
I mean, I'll 'fess up 'ere, I was an only child, too self-aware an' too convinced that attention must be received to have a sense a "worthiness".

So, yeah, I was provocative in a lot of situations, but geez, there were a lot of kids jus' waitin' for the opportunity to push someone else for the sake of thier own self-gratification.

Not so different in the "adult" world, but how did those of you who were "bullied" unjustifiably, handle it?

Did ya stand up for yerself an' fight, or did ya run?

Me, I ran mostly, but there were distinct experiences where I had my fill of unjustified oppression an' fought "to the death".

It was then that I was "victorious". (or so I thought then)

Even so, not sure that beating the "oppressors" really made me a"victor".

..........probably jus' another self-inflated passer-by..........still my heart goe out to those suffer unjustifiably. :)
Well, a bit I guess. Not too much. Initially yes, but I grew out of it. I never bullied anyone, but some idiots liked to bully me. I would ignore them, or just walk away. Those that I couldn't ignore I usually got into fights with. And I won most of the time. :p The teachers didn't like that though... They considered me a troublemaker I guess. Eventually kids stopped picking on me because I did things which ... few others would. And I wasn't scared to take the blame and punishment for it either. Ah well, that was a long time ago. :)
I don't think I was bullied in school, not that I remember anyway. And I don't think I bullied others at school. I just did my own thing, and if you did the same thing as me, cool. If not, whatever.
I was bullied.. but only as the guy that couldnt be hurt. I was larger and stronger than all but 2 people in the school and had a reputation for being immune to pain. People would punch me in the shoulder and stomach as hard as they could from the 6th through 9th grade. I was hit about 100 times a day and was covered with bruises and never winced. I would just wiseass 'em and make light of their girly punching.
I wasn't bullied, although I & the jocks had a severe disliking for one another. Had I been more mouthy, like today, it would have gotten real ugly (for me) :shrug:
I was never bullied. I was Miss Popular up until about 11 years old. Every single person in my primary school wanted to be my friend up to the point of bagging a place next to me in assembly before anyone else, lol. :laugh: My best friend and I used to chase the boys around and kick their shins. (To show that we fancied them, obviously). Even though I was about 2 foot tall...
In middle school and after that I wasn't nearly as popular but I was never bullied, cos I kind of blended into the background...rocking back and forth with a cookie and remembering the good ol' days. :D

*punches unclehobart*
Maria Poopette Ophilia Drucilla .. and Lumpy McLumpy jr.

*runs out the door to participate in turkey day ... wont be back until youre fast asleep* toodles.
It was mainly name calling but I gave back as much as I got. Probably why I'm so mouthy now.

There was an incident with a girl in my older sisters class when I was a first year in senior school(she was third). We squared up and she went to scratch me, lost one of her false fingernails and that was it. Not sure if I won or not but she didn't bother me again. ?(
I can remember being bullied, used to take it too, till I eventually learnt this wonderful gift I had... wit... Say a sarcastic coment or two, and the bully'll shut up one time :)
Do you remember being "bullied" in school?

Yes, when i was in secondary school (that's from 12 to 15), he stopped doing it when i kicked his ass, then i started to bully him :D
with my friends i am playful and we joke around. in HS i was left alone which was cool. but before that i was bullied. for some reason or another it stopped in HS when people and i would tease each other but nothing too severe. hell in hs id flirt with the cheerleaders and also i was friends with some of the jocks too.
I was bullied for awhile, up til I was about 13. That's when my mom enrolled me in my first Tae Kwon Do class. I went on to become a black belt and after that nobody bullied me. :shrug: I did get in a few fights, but I put them down more to the fact that I went to 4 different schools between grade 7 and 12 than bullying. Seems you always had to prove yourself when you start at a new school.