Do you remember?

Luis G said:
fury said:
first one I remember using was a 386sx 16... mmmm, 4mb ram...


I still remember when having a Pentium with 4MB or 8MB was just a luxury...and you had tha ammount on a 386sx :eek2:
My dad had some pretty intensive sound processing software on there while it only had 1mb (LOOOONG ago), so he thought by upgrading to 4mb it'd speed up. It didn't, so we were left with essentially a $3000 machine that did little more than browse the internet... The hard drive wasn't big enough to sustain many games.
I didn't have the net until 93. Of course, before 93, I didn't even know what the net was supposed to do.
PuterTutor said:
Justintime said:
PuterTutor said:
My first "fast" computer was a K6 @200. Overclocked that bad boy up to 225 for awhile.

wow, maybe that was norm, my K6 200 did 225MHz too!

Just the stock heatsink and fan, and that was when you had to change jumpers to overclock, what fun. I tried to run it at 300 once, it booted, made it to windows and froze. After that the highest it will boot at is 225.

i loved messin with them K6s back then when 50-100MHz was impressive, i got my K6-2 266 to a blazing 333MHz with only 2.7v :D
I was amazed at the difference 25mhz would do to a machine then. I've got my 1800 clocked a little over 1.6, almost 100mhz and it really doesn't seem to make much difference.
Justintime said:
The first chip i had that actually played doom fast was a Pentium 133, upgraded that from a 486DX 2.
a DX2 didn't run Doom smoothly? My 486 DX4 100(Cyrix lol) would run any game that required a Pentium 100. Pretty good pieces of hardware those DX4 were. It had 8 MB upgraded later to 16. Next was a K6-2 333, still used as a surfing machine 'til July this year when the PS cooked 2 HDs...
I remember my 486 DX 33... I had to turn the detail to low in order to get it to run at the full 35FPS :retard:

I also remember my K6-2 350... that and every computer afterwards will not run my favorite game of all time due to being TOO fast :(
I had a 286 8mhz. Turbo mode popped that baby up to 10. After I had for about a year, I put a CGA graphics card in it, before that it had a Hercules card for monochrome games. I think it had 1 Meg Ram, not completely sure about that though. I know it had a 14.4 modem, I used it back in 91, 92 to call up BBS's around Jefferson City, Mo, and play online dungeon games.
my dx2/66 had a 1MB Cirrus VLB :headbang:, it played doom 1&2, heretic and hexen smoothly. :headbang:

Ok, hexen was not as smooth as i'd like, but it got smooth when i upgraded the cpu to a dx4/100
hexen 1 ;)

hexen 2 would not even run on that puter, and quake 1 was just out of the question, the code was highly optimized for pentium processors.
I just love playing Doom2 on my AthlonXp. No pauses, and actually pretty decent graphics.
I do use Legacy, if that's what you mean. Found that about a year ago, love the Star Wars Maps.