Do You smoke? Brand?

It truly is. You just don't realize that until it's in retrospect.

Cat, you know you have all my support...from a distance. :D
day 5 I WANT A CIGARETTE! :banghead:

It's a good thing I'm a somewhat conservative right now.
I'd never make it if I had the "if it feels good, do it" attitude.
Day 23xx and I don't want a cigarette, but then I never smoked cigarettes. Now a nice, flue cured cavendish...
chcr said:
Now a nice, flue cured cavendish...
Damn you!
I've got 2oz of BCA (Black Cavendish) that's been screaming
at me for 3 days now. I know though that it'd just make me want a cig though,
and I probably wouldn't be able to hold it back. :crying4:
I gave up 4 weeks ago. 8 years of smoking, It barely bothered me. Had to cut down the drinking to once a week though and Ive swallowed about 20 pieces of gum. Fitness is hardly any different but I have been suffering from headaches, must be all that oxygenated blood flowing round my body.
Lopan said:
I gave up 4 weeks ago. 8 years of smoking, It barely bothered me. Had to cut down the drinking to once a week though and Ive swallowed about 20 pieces of gum. Fitness is hardly any different but I have been suffering from headaches, must be all that oxygenated blood flowing round my body.

It's not the oxygen. It's the withdrawal symptoms from the nicotine. It'll pass at around 20 weeks...depending on how much of a smoker you were, and provided you don't light one up before then. How much did you smoke per day?
Damn Gato, you're smashing my hope. :lloyd:
I'm just on day 5, using the 21mg patches, and I'm still having some rough moments.
I only smoked 1-20pck a day. I must be a deeep inhaler. :nerd:

I don't know if I can make it 21 days if it doesn't get any easier before then.

I have quit before, and it didn't seem that bad, but I was 15 years younger. :alienhuh:
Dood you are having a hard time even on the patch?

You are still gettin' yer nic fix!