do you smoke?


Got more than enough other vices though.

However, my computer smokes a little, jus' before the screen does this fuzzy thing, and about the same time that I hear a little fan noise that starts out like, hmmmmmmm........then, burrrrrr, then burr, burr, burr, burr,

Then everything goes back to normal.

Does that count?? :confused:

Uki Chick said:
We only look ridiculous to non-smokers. I don't consider myself ridiculous looking, and my look doesn't change because i have a cigarette in my hand.

Damn right, don't justify your actions to no one unless you were convicted for murder.

Smoking makes a person looks cool IMO. Whenever i see a young woman with a cigarette in her hand i am drawn to her.......
Buttcrackdivine said:
Whenever i see a young woman with a cigarette in her hand i am drawn to her.......



Biggest turnoff ever.
rrfield said:
I often wonder if smokers realize how ridiculous they look when smoking.

Most people probably would think they look quite ridiculous having sex,but I doubt thats gonna stopped them from doing it.
Oz said:
Dude, those things are seriously lethal :erm:

they even banned the things in the UK (and we all know how much the UK government enjoys the cash from tax on tobacco products).

I could never get into chewing gave me the shits :eh:
Umm, I don't think you're meant to swallow it! :dump:
smokin is a very bad choice. even if u get all the money that u do not spend in cigarrets, and burn all that money, u still being wining, cause your healt is not afected. think about it...
Your comments were insightful UnknowN_PT. Too bad your spelling leaves much to be desired. Plz do not take it personal. ha :swing: