Do you spend too much time online? Ask the MOUSE


New Member
  • • More than intended time spent online

    • Other responsibilities neglected

    • Unsuccessful attempts to cut down

    • Significant relationship discord because of use

    • Excessive thoughts or anxiety when not online.

Hrm. I'm thinking I might spend just a bit too much time online...
I think I came out as 6 hrs 45 minutes or 7 hrs 45 minutes on the average day that I spent online during the summer currently. During the winter i'll prolly be spending more :(. I actually was able to cut back by realizing how boring it all was. I don't usually talk to people all too much (though currently i'm starting conversations with NF, Katie, Ana, Jake, Rose and Emily), I check my e-mail, I blog and other than that i'm mostly not usually doing anything. So I got myself unaddicted only to get addicted to watching re-runs of my favorite shows (basiclly tapes :p) on the TV in my room. Le sigh. I'm a libra, my sign even says that i'll always be addicted to something.
Yup, I spend to much time online (well, in there eyes) but there is a VERY good reason for it...

I can't find the image but...I love my computer because all my friends live in it!!!!
Just what are you trying to say? I'm addicted? Nope, I can quit anytime. I just don't want to, that's all.
I am only online at work, so there are no relationship conflicts, and my employers don't mind because my work always gets done and done well. As a matter of fact, a couple of months ago they provided me with a brand-new Apple G4 Platinum and a 21" Sony Trinitron monitor when I asked for a new computer, even though I don't use a computer for work. I don't have (or want) a computer in my house. I'd rather be out in the pasture on my tractor or spending time with Precious than be online.
i do spend a lot of time on teh comp but not too much. actually i prefer real life to online myself. unless its cold outside and i dont wanna go outside.
Used to spend way too much time online. I think I might actually be "cured" now - the amazing weather has helped - I just can't stay indoors on the PC while it's like this!

Been out pretty much every other night for the last few weeks with mates etc and during the day I'm either gymming it, playing tennis, swimming or working. We'll probably be skiing every week now as well.

It really does make a huge difference... I feel so much better physically/mentally than I did a few weeks ago.

Well lemme see... I didn't turn the comp on until about noon and then I kept walking away from it to do other things... it tends to stay on most of the day but only because I'm too lazy to turn it off.

I don't get anxious if I'm not online anymore and I have been known to spend days out somewhere else doing something interesting... I quite often work on the computer but am not online most of the time... I just pop in from time to time to see what's going on.

So no, I don't think I'm addicted anymore - I was at one stage, but I made an effort to break it. I must admit I'm wondering what my email is gonna be like when I get home from holiday though.... I'll probably delete most of it. I'll definately turn of email notification anyway. :lol:

... anyway, I'm off to watch some TV while sorting out the laundry and doing some ironing... cya later... :)
i beat the internet...... the end guy was hard

(seriously though gimme something better to do? watch TV, video games? i have friends over all the time but im not a fan of the phone)