Do you think Americans have responded positively to 911

Do you think Americans have responded positively to 911?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Going to have to clarify that a bit more before I answer, do you mean We have done the right thing going after the pinko bastards that did it? Or what?
I'll have to do some thinking before I decide whether I want to touch this one with a 10 foot pole. Sounds like something that could really blow up in your face, especially just days before the anniversary. The fact that you're being vague makes me wonder about your intent.
I have no intent besides wondering how other people feel. I voted no. I don't think Americans understand the significance of what happened on 9/11. I think so many people tend to think of it as some unimportant terrorists who got extremely lucky. I would hope no one would be worried about my intent with this thread, but alas i see a bitter irony in peoples lack of action and decision making when it comes to this thread and 911. Who cares what i think. I may be loud and obnoxious but i'm an American citizen not a communist leader ready to squash any who don't share my view. I wish that everyone would speak their opinion regardless of what others think.
Here's the problem, Hex, if I say yes, we responded positively, that could be construed as saying we liked it. and want to see it happen more. It could also mean we are very happy with what our President, and the military is doing to eradicate terrorism. If we say no, it could mean we don't like what happenned, and don't want it to happen again, or it could mean we don't think our President is doing the right thing. See the problem here.

If you're going to post polls such as this, you will need to clarify your question before you get people to vote. Think I'll just sit this one out, Thanks.
No, i just see a lack of decision making. I voted no. Does that say i don't like George Bush? No. It's not really that complex.
"no", could also mean that you do not agree with the fact that they are not using atomic bombs to kill them.
Fearful for your own country? Because you can't ask a clear question?
If people have difficulty seeing the way you meant your question, why not alter it in such a way that it's clear to everybody?

Don't see the problem doing that :)
I don't either Shadow, and Hex, the problem is not indecision, the problem is a person that can't ask a clear question. Clarify the question, I'll be glad to answer.
btw, Hex, do you even bother reading other peoples posts? If you did, you would realize the problem with your question, but then I guess maybe you don't feel we are valid in our questions of your question.
I know you people aren't idiots. The question is clear and simple. If the residents of our country think anything like the responses i'm getting on this board then yes i'm afraid we're(Americans) in trouble. I think anyone here who knows me can attest to the fact that i have little difficulty when it comes to expressing myself. I realize that the question can be broken down into a million subcategories, but i was hoping to get broader perspectives. This is not an unusual question. I'm sure all the media outlets have asked this question by now and if this was a call in, i'd be hanging up on all your asses. lol But just incase anyone really doesn't understand the question,
how about this, if i say the words,"Americas response to september eleventh" what are the first feelings & thoughts that abound in you? Will justice prevail and are we/have we taken the nessecary preventive measures to shield ourselves from anything like this ever happening again? If this cannot be comprehended, then i will silence myself on the subject.
Will justice prevail? No. Justice won't prevail until all terrorism in the world is brought to an end, and that's NEVER gonna happen.
There is no such thing as justice to the relatives from the people who died in that terrorist attack. Of course, the counterstrikes from the US against Al-Queda, and the more general measurements taken to prevent further terrorist acts, are a step in the right direction, but IMO there will never be true justice to those died in that attack.

I too think that a country can't shield itself against these kinds of attacks. These were such direct actions, they would be so hard to prevent. Of course, more control at airports, and less accesibility to cockpits will reduce the risk, but it will never bring it back to zero. That's impossible, and not just in the US.

But I DO think that America has taken appropiate steps against those terrorists. OK, they're not done yet, and they will never really win, but at least they gave a clear sign to terrorist groups that the US doesn't just let these things go by without retalliation.
First of all, "Do you think Americans have responded positively to 911" Is not a clear, simple question. If you had read some of our previous discussions about this and other issues, you would realize that you need to be specific, you are dealing with several different cultures, races, and nationalities on this board, and a question like this can be interpreted several different ways. As for the people that know you know you don't have trouble expressing yourself, that's great, but consider those of us who Don't know you as well.

However, now that you have explained yourself...

Will justice prevail? Maybe, but probably not. There are too many small, independent groups that could launch a similar attack against the US or any country for that matter. So, imo, justice will not prevail until we can get the mindset that killing thousands of people is somehow appropriate retaliation. Yep, I said retaliation. Are you aware of their reasons? I'm definitly not saying that what they did was right, but their reasons for doing it were quite honorable, actually.

Have we taken appropriate steps to prevent it from happening again? Well, I think we have taken the steps that the American people are willing to take. We could go farther, but going farther would also violate the civil rights we have built our country on, so I don't see that happening.
HeXp£Øi± said:
some unimportant terrorists who got extremely lucky

That's clearly all it was. The depth behind it is far deeper & those funding the groups are to be feared until they are squashed like the maggots they are, ingesting other peoples pain & suffering like a feast.

Do I think we've responded postively? Unanswerable. In the immediate, absolutely. We volunteered & donated & actually had a change of heart, albeit temporary. Since then, we've responded like Americans. Shop 'til you drop & go back to work. In our history we've been hurt twice, Hawaii & 9/11. Not bad considering the possibilites & the realities of other nations. We don't take kindly to such actions. The current Bush adminisration started off correctly & has since waffled & argued the smallest points until it's no longer urgent. We need action. Today. Next week we'll be back to worrying about Brittneys navel ring or who Tyson is threatening to ingest.

History is a work in progress. This question will not be answerable, in a full & concise way, until about 2025. We can only hope we have improved.
i voted not sure cause many including myself went into denial that it ever happened although it did. i think to an extent we did to an extent we didnt. i am glad life went back to some form of normality although i believe we were all affected by it. thats our positive side. negative side to it was that many Muslims recieved unwaranted bullshit accusing them of something they had nothing to do with. to me thats very negative.
I voted yes. Considering that Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq are not a smoking, radioactive wasteland, I think we're showing great restraint. As for the folks in Europe, just remember...outlasting a problem may work in some cases, but *not* in the case of fanatics.

Thread started before my joining...

I still haven't voted on this.
It ain't over Yet, and I'm still trying to decide