Do you think we're ready for first contact?


Staff member
I believe that before first contact with another species can be achieved and be successful, we must first work out our own problems and become at peace - no weapons, no wars, no political hatred (although social hatred is a given and will always be an issue).
Um, Dude, I think we've had first contact. And failed. Miserably.
I just think if there is other life out there, they are probably already keeping an eye on us, and not liking what they see. We are in a constant state of war, somewhere in the world, we pollute the hell out of our atmosphere, we're lazy, self centered, egotistical, ... I wouldn't want to come here if I had the choice.
Exactly. That's why I said we'd prolly need to work out our internal problems before a first contact can be made or be successful.
If there are more advanced beings out there, they would most likely to be just observing, as any interference might lead to something weird etc etc. Or maybe they actually don't know themselves what would happen if they interefered.

MAYBE the actual key to us achieving peace is first contact.

I don't know about the world, but I would love to hop on an alien ship and fly away. People are so fixed and closed-minded on this world. No one is moving on, and I've been born 100 years too early.


I just think if there is other life out there, they are probably already keeping an eye on us, and not liking what they see

No. If they've got any sense they'll have set up an exclusion zone long ago! :eek:
First contact will be easy... Response times on a 2 way conversation with the nearest reasonable star cluster with life has about a 4000 year delay. We should be ready in about the year 12,000 when we get out 'ok, come on over' ... unless the Moorlocks have eaten everyone up by then.
Scanty raised a point that has been made before, and I think it's worth considering.

I agree that we're not really ready for first contact due to the state of the world's affairs, but first contact could also be the catalyst that helps us get these problems in order. The realization that we are just one populated planet out of countless many would put our problems in perspective in a way that no Earthly religion or mantra can.

Suppose the worst happened, and we learned that we would be invaded by aliens in approximately 100 years. How important do you think terrorism and religious conflicts would seem when faced with the extinction of the entire population? Many movies(Independence Day for example) have used this idea, and I'm not sure it's completely fantasy either. Common enemies (or, if you prefer, common "strange, unknown potentially dangerous extragalactic acquaintences) are one of the best motivators to put differences aside.
Outside looking in I don't share your optimism. Personally I think the universe would be better off without us.