Does anyone care anymore?


New Member
Saddam... death penalty by hanging for mixing plaid with ployester... aka 'crimes against humanity'. Does anyone care anymore? Twas pretty much a forgone conclusion. It just took several years and 50 million bucks for what should have taken .00006 seconds with a smart bomb.
The punishment fits the crime. I agree though that it took way too long and cost way too much money, but the reasons why are as clear as the (D) after the names. So much so that I fully expect about three of our members to go on hunger strikes or take hostages until he is released or maybe even plot a suicide bomb plot at OTC World Headquarters, as soon as they are built.

But in the end he got more than he deserved - a fair trial with plenty of opportunities to misbehave and attempt to sabotage it in the name of megalomania ala Charlie Manson. He got a few more days in the spotlight by his various shenanigans, and was apparently better fed than he ever dreamed possible. He got his name in the paper and sometimes even a picture. He succeeded in stirring up the America haters on our soil, citizen and immigrant, which is actually a good thing because now we know who to beat the shit out of on sight. Now he gets a death sentence, and we'll see if it is ever carried out.
It just took several years and 50 million bucks for what should have taken .00006 seconds with a smart bomb.

I am not for spending that kind of scratch and time with a charactor like that but precedance needed to be set..

Consider this, after the capture of Saddam it would not of been too dificult to have broken his neck or puting a bullet in the back of his head and say he was trying to excape. What message would have that put across?