Does anyone write?


Well-Known Member
I'm getting bored with being unemployed. Daytrading is sucking the life out of me. I think i'll start officially telling people i'm a writer so they think i'm on my way to having a real job. I am working on a couple of books but it'll be a few years before i see a paycheck for either of them. If i wrote as much on these pages as i do on the bb's(almost 5000 posts here alone) i'd have atleast a couple of volumes completed by now.
i should think you would never want to be finished writing....or did you mean a particular story?
Gonz said:
Does this count?

Umm, okay. :lol:

In answer to Hex's question, I wrote two books when I was younger (one science fiction, one historical fiction). The gist of my responses from publishers was that if I was a pretty good musician then I should stick to what I knew. Hey, I liked 'em. They're still around here somewhere (did them on an electric typewriter, nobody had computers back then).
tonks said:
i should think you would never want to be finished writing....or did you mean a particular story? would be nice to have completed at least one volume although i'm sure i'll be writing for my entire life. I did complete one volume when i was about 22 or 23 that was an arguement against the big bang theory but the entire work was destroyed before i even thought about having it published..
I write, and have had some of my shorter stuff published. I'm getting better at actually finishing my longer works, though having a kid's slowing me down.

The whole thing, Hex, can be summed up this way. 80% of what you do for a book is preparation. Setting up the characters/motivations/relationships/description/interraction with others; location, location,location; basic plot line (3 disasters and an ending). etc... Once you've got the makority of the prep done...the book should flow because you'va already thought out the answers. Without those questions popping up about why a character is doing soemthjing, or how you're going to finish the book, or waht next...then the book flows freely.

Part two is dedication: This can be acomplished through repitition. Set aside 'x' number of hours per day for writing. Same time span if you can manage it. Remove distractions and try to avoid other people if possible. No matter what (if anything) you write, don't stop typing. Half-way through...take a breather. Walk away from the words entirely. COme back in 30 mins or so and start again. You'll find that the time-out will hepl you review what you wrote and help you write better the next day as well.

I'm not the best, most dedicated writer out there, but if I can hack out 1000 pages, anyone can.
Setting up the characters/motivations/relationships/description/interraction with others; location, location,location; basic plot line (3 disasters and an ending). etc...

Wll thank god i don't have to deal with that part as i don't plan on writing any fiction. :D
HeXp£Øi± said:
Wll thank god i don't have to deal with that part as i don't plan on writing any fiction. :D

Same idea, different targets. In your case it would be establishing a timeline (providing what your'e writing about happens over a period of time), or identifying root causes of an event. If this book is not event specific, then I need to review my answer. What're you planning on writing on?
I'm probably the only person alive that has no inclination to write. Not only do I not write, I try and destroy all exixting records of my existence. I guess I watched too many James Bond movies as a lad.
It's been 3 years since I've been to school and in order to go to a community college I had a take an assesement test. I need to take remidal classes in reading and math, but I got a perfect score on my writing......maybe I should consider a career in journalism