Does havin' money, make ya feel jus' a bit better?


New Member
Pretty much a rehtorical question, I guess..........I was jus' feelin' philosophical..............

I'm no different from the masses, for the most part, on this issue,

The sense of "security", an' "happiness" that havin' some extra jack in the bank brings, but I question the validity of indulgin' that sense or feelin', especially in light of the 'few' times I've actually considered that nothin' should really change inside me, between the time that "cash" gives me the power to make choices that my poverty refused to afford me, an' the realizations that I'll probably leave this Earth with no more financial "equity" than I brought to it at my birth.

Does/has your sense of financial "security" changed who you are..........or who you were?

My view is that my Father in Heaven owns it all anyway, an' the real question 'ere is whether a person's "control" of it will be allowed to change the his perspective an' the principles he/she once held to, before bein' so "empowered".

I believe money was meant to be spent! We sure's hell can't take it with us, but what is the price of our loyalty?:)
very heavy...i am drinking Coca-Cola right now. if i had beer, i might be tempted to try to answer that.
As posted above, Cato an' S4, couple a sleepy fellows this eve, allow me to fluff the pillows for ya...................

Which is yer favorite day of the week? (assumin' ya get paid on Friday)

Ok now, Why?:D

Sweet dreams brothers!:)
Yes, money can make me feel least occasionally. But some other times i just feel like a slave of it, because we all know we need it.
I get a disablility check once a month.
Took me 3 years to get that. No income all that time.
Even now, it's hard, very hard for me to make ends meet.
Man, now my head really hurts.
I think I'll go take about 3-4 more pain pills.
Luis G said:
Yes, money can make me feel least occasionally. But some other times i just feel like a slave of it, because we all know we need it.

Honest confessions count! Thanks Luis!
Money doesn't make us a slave. It sets us free. In order to eat, have clothes, live in a shelter, etc, you have to work. You have to produce those things. Money allows us to focus on the one kind of work we like best, and trade with other people for the things we need.

I like having money, and I would like to have more. It has to be earned though. Even if it comes as a windfall, you have to earn it by living up to it. Otherwise, it'll fuck up your life.
Ards, I disagree with you on this one, the years we are living are the highest exponents (??) of the consumism. Everybody wants money, everybody wants to buy.....everything is just buy buy buy, we are becoming slaves of the money. Some others are becoming slaves of the money they don't own yet (aka credit cards).

You feel like having money sets you free because, well, you can't live without it. The more you have the better you feel.
I'm not sure what you are saying is bad here. It's bad to go out and spend money on a new CD? Is it bad to want to go out to the movies with your wife? If your old car is breaking down, and you go out and buy a new one, is that bad?

Perhaps you're talking about people who spend without thinking. They don't ask themselves, do I really need this? Is this something I could easily live without? They just buy on impulse because they're addicted to it. The act of buying makes them feel good, regardless of what they're buying.

Do they do that because they value money too much, though, or because they value it too little? If they placed a higher value on their money, they wouldn't fritter it away on impulse buying. They would spend it only on stuff that they really need, or really want-- things that would add something to their lives rather than just cluttering up their houses.

That's not a problem inherent in the existence of money, though. That's a problem with people's attitudes towards money. It's a problem with the spiritual emptiness of our culture, the black hole of nihilism that's sucking all the value out of life.
Money is like a drug. When you first get it, it makes you euphoric. You feel like theres nothing you can't do. Over time it muddies up and lessens in effect upon you until it becomes your new centerline. You don't notice its effect anymore insofar as the self goes. It just is... and you just are. You always search for a different type of high or struggle to satisfy the conflictive scrounging animal deep down. The ability to scoop up better toys doesnt affect the worth of the self. It doesn't fill the conflictive voids of depression and self worth. Its almost best to be slightly above center middle class. Its a balance of several disciplines that satifies best.
I love money. I love the fact that I can exercise my mind and get paid for it. I love what I can do for myself and my family with with the product of my efforts. As for wanting more? Nah, I'm pretty happy where I'm at. To work any harder or longer than I do now would mean making sacrifices I'm not prepared to make.

I've actually had the experience of feeling like I was getting paid too much for the effort I was making. It's not a feeling I like. I like the money I get from my employer to be money I've earned.
Ardsgaine said:
I'm not sure what you are saying is bad here. It's bad to go out and spend money on a new CD? Is it bad to want to go out to the movies with your wife? If your old car is breaking down, and you go out and buy a new one, is that bad?
None of these things are bad. It's what you have to do to be able to do them that restricts your freedom. To get money people sell themselves more and more. They step over others, rob, cheat to get money. Even if you're honest you often have to work with people you don't like, do things you feel uncomfortable, fallow orders from stupid ones, only because you need money to live. You can blame society for the higher standards we are imposed today, but I think that's what Luis was trying to say...
a buttload....I don't spend near enough time on the internet what with this pesky work schedule:grumpy:
For what its worth man, I see truth in every post above, an' I think its cool that other folks can express, what may be summed up in the statement, "contentment is a choice".

Funny how, in my little world, many "believers" an' "unbelievers" in the God of the Bible alike, seem to adhere to the mis-construed idea that "money is the root of all evil", ever heard that?

In the Bible, Jesus actually said that the "love of money is the root of all sorts of evil".

Money: a "drug"? Yeah, I think so.........for many of us, who draw no line of "enough" for ourselves, which is a choice", by the way.

Nothin' more than a means to an end? Possibly, for those of us who choose to be content with what we have.

Jus' can't help callin' myself out at times when a little "extra" jack comes my way, an' I smile with this superfiscial glee, that whispers, "ya got some options now brother, so what's yer pleasure?".

Greater pleasure settles my soul, when I have "options", an' still decide that needs have been met, an' I have "enough".