Does havin' money, make ya feel jus' a bit better?

AlladinSane said:
None of these things are bad. It's what you have to do to be able to do them that restricts your freedom. To get money people sell themselves more and more. They step over others, rob, cheat to get money. Even if you're honest you often have to work with people you don't like, do things you feel uncomfortable, fallow orders from stupid ones, only because you need money to live. You can blame society for the higher standards we are imposed today, but I think that's what Luis was trying to say...

And before there was money people never stepped on each other, robbed, had to do things they didn't like or had to follow the orders of stupid people?

I'm thinking of tribal societies where everyone was tied together by co-dependency, had little to no privacy and were tied down by the traditions of the tribe... kind of like the town where I was born.

Money makes it possible for people to live independent lives. Someone today may feel like he's tied to his job, but he actually has far more options than people in the past did.

It amazes me that people seem to think that if there was no money they wouldn't have to work, and all their problems would be solved. Where is the food going to come from? Are they going to grow it themselves, or do they expect someone else to deliver it to their door? If they're growing it themselves, then how does that make them freer? Subsistence farmers have to work 16 hrs a day. If they're getting it delivered to their door for free, what about the freedom of the person who's having to provide for them?

I guess I just don't get it.
Squiggy said:
There is an undeniable freedom in poverty that diminishes with each material possession...

Squiggs, did ya jus' make that up or did ya hear it somewhere?

Man, that's frickin' "plaque-worthy" in my house! (I loved that quote!):headbang:
Squiggy said:
There is an undeniable freedom in poverty that diminishes with each material possession..

Heh. Yeah, right... If any of you guys are feeling oppressed by your money, you can just wire it to me.
It was prolly a shameless ploy to get my stuff. I have some good stuff.
I made that up....And its true...

Ards...I never said its wrong to trade some freedom for material things...its our way of life.. :D
It's a problem with the spiritual emptiness of our culture, the black hole of nihilism that's sucking all the value out of life.


The problem with money is that people don't seem to know how much is enough, they always want more and more, no matter what they do.

On the other hand, when I was talking about the consumism of this days, i meant something along the lines of things that are no longer of high quality, everything seems to be made to be useless within a few, this includes cars and electrodomestics (puters too but that's another subject). Things like clothes, food and other goods are becoming more expensive and people seem to need more and more no matter the cost.

Many people that work hard are not getting the money they deserve, and at the same time some guy is just sit watching how his money grows.

We all are slaves of the money, you said it yourself "money makes it possible to live independently", however,, in that sentence, it is implicit that you depend on money. Which is what i meant with being "slave of the money"
Money problems make my head hurt.
I already said something to that effect...:(
*goes to take another pain pill*

I'm outta here.
I'll get my 100 post tomarrow.:D
I was right ont he verge of financial ruin last month... then I got a financial aid check in the mail. I felt a lot better after that, because I could get my bills paid on time.
I liked having money.

I'm quite happy now i don't have very much.

I left school at 18 and worked for four years. I was paid a lot for someone that age, the sort of money you'd need to be in charge of a department of 50 people in any normal job. Programming at the height of the dot-com boom was a good occupation to be in.

Having that much spare cash was great. It took away any worry about money. It just wasn't an issue. Everyone in the dev team would go out to eat every lunchtime... when the bill came there was no "oh, i had this and it was £2 cheaper than that" talk, everyone threw down a tenner and went away happy. Basically everything I wanted to get, I could just go out and get. I was ordering 2 or 3 CDs from amazon every day, it was crazy.

It was good because I never really had to think about money. There's a lot of peace of mind there. Now I'm a student I think about money all the time. I don't really drink when I go out because I can't affoard it. Haven't bought a CD since I started at uni, every purchase needs careful examination of the price tag... before I started at uni I'd never looked at the price column on a menu before...

Now, sometimes i think i should have saved a bit of the money I'd earnt in the past. Perhaps not eaten out twice a day every day... it would have made uni easier...

but then I always was a live for the now kinda guy. I had good times then, and I still have good times now... it's just these times are on a budget and those ones weren't. I think uni is a good place to be poor... the real world, however... I reckon I'd be mighty happier knowing that there's a few hundered quid in my wallet and it doesn't really matter if it's not there when i get home...
i can fully relate to that, nambit.

and yes, money makes me feel a bit happier. it's not that i need money to be happy, it's that i use money to do things that make me happy.
Money is always welcome, but not required to make me happy. I do give a fair bit of money away, and giving makes me happier than receiving.
myself being a student and a climber (meaning i'm ALWAYS broke as a joke, not just most of the time) I can say that having a little something something in my checking account always makes feel more at ease, it gives me one less thing to worry myself with for the present moment. unfortunately, working ~8hrs/wk @ $8/hr doesn't make for a very big buffer between something and nothing