Does this mean no rules?

greenfreak said:
Flavio, was she really your favorite?? Why? For humor's sake, I hope. She can't even cook and she seemed pretty shallow to me. Well, they all seems shallow, but her moreso. And catty.

I liked her looks :blush:
Gato_Solo said:
greenfreak said:
I always freakin miss it. God damn.

I have a natural ignore list. I see the av of a member I don't care for, I skip their posts. And you know what, most of the time, it doesn't affect the flow of the thread anyway because it seems no one else is paying attention to them either. :D :thumbup:

But I didn't say anything this time... :(

greenfreak said:
At least, if Altron really is the age he says he is, I could chalk up some of it to immaturity. The other one doesn't have that excuse.

Gato, I'm pretty sure greenfreak is reffering to me. greenfreak, I tried to make peace with you but you don't seem to want that so I'll just go about my business and leave you alone ;)