Domestic bliss!


Staff member
I got a dishwasher!!! :jump:

My friend was moving and didn't have anywhere to keep the one she had, so we adopted it. Things sooooo are much easier now!

It's been many many moons since I've had one in the house. Now I know what I was missing out on. I thought I was happy when I got the Swiffer. That was nothing lol.

I could get used to this convenience thing.
Buy plastic ones so they can't hold intentional breakage incidents on you.

Just hand them back their dirty dish from the prior night and tell them they need to clean it up to their own specs for their dinner.
Can't afford new dishes...or new kids?

I haven't had one in about 5 years now. Me mother told me that would be our Christmas gift this year. Groovy!

*high 5 Leslie*
It's the pots and pans and plethora of cups and silverware that pile up through a day or two. It never ends. Them doing their plates would just be the least of it. But I do plan on starting them soon just for practise, as well as laundry here and there.

Can't afford dishes, wouldn't afford kids even if I could :lloyd:

Dishwashers ROCK! *high fives SnP*
I wish I had one right now, we got a ton of new dishes and kitchenware on a shopping spree last weekend. Dishwasher's in my plans down the road, probably not until I get around to the total remodeling which won't be until the house is paid off. 5 years seems so close, yet so far...

BTW, I've already figured out my mom's Christmas present will be a brand new fridge. I know it's not close to last year's Caribbean cruise, but I'll be in serious debt if I do that again.
Gato_Solo said:
Bout time you put Paul to work. Now if you can get him to do the laundry, too... :D

I helped a few times, but she saw me fold once, and that was enougth

I also i don't do windows
paul_valaru said:
I helped a few times, but she saw me fold once, and that was enougth

I also i don't do windows

:rofl: Paul...doing a French Maid uniform... :rofl:

Better yet...the above scene while the soundtrack to Rocky Horror is playing... :rofl4:
Gato_Solo said:
:rofl: Paul...doing a French Maid uniform... :rofl:

Better yet...the above scene while the soundtrack to Rocky Horror is playing... :rofl4:

I only ever did rocky horror on stage once....

i mean

oh crap
I want a dishwasher too. :mope:

He should be tall, dark, have big strong hands, and a comfortable deep voice that will only be put to use when he says stuff like: "Dishes are done. Would you like me to clean the floor now?"

Ah yes...
We have one but it's broken. We really don't rack up that many with only the two of us eating one meal in the house during the week.

Les, congrats! Do you pay for the water bill? That might be the only trade-off here. My mom never had a problem getting us kids to load the dishwasher. Emptying it was another story.
I have a great laundry situation. Rusty does all the laundry. In exchange for watching all the football he can. Thus my Sunday afternoons and Monday nights are spent doing other things, quality time with myself.
Except for weight problems, married people are healthier than those who are divorced, widowed, never-married, or live with a partner, says the CDC.

This "I" believe is false-I am very happy!!! :swing: :D