Domestic Violence

i can't's terribly funny dig at something that really isn't a laughing matter....naw...i love it. :rofl4:
I also can't decide if its funny or not ..... ?( ok I got it the subject isn't funny but god damn a woman thats covered in batter would be :D:lloyd:
if you read I said the subject matter is not. the shirt is done out of sarcasm. I dont find it funny women and children are abused at all.
BeardofPants said:
You think it's funny that there's 50,000 women out there getting beaten up by their partners? :disgust2:

Not Funny At All...getting beaten up by a MAN....EVERYBODY has to sleep sometime, go out and buy one of those cast iron fry pans!!!!

battered women not funny-eatin being battered- :laugh5:
Its one of those controversal shirts....

(kinda like...You better shit or get off the pot...I'd be the first ones in line for a laxative...)
you know....and maybe i'm just stoned...but i think that if the first thing that came to every mans mind when he heard the term "battered woman" was food the world would be a much nicer place...but maybe that's taking the t-shirt out of context. :shrug:
Oz said:
That geezer shouldn't be eatin' anything battered...........he'll never get the bits out of his beard!

Thanks OZ - you just made the rest of my week.......
:lol: the t-shirt is funny, but then it's my rude mind that makes it so to me.

What's not funny is the number of women, children and even men who are victims of domestic violence every day.
i want one that says

"a completely ignored number of battered men, and i'm still eating mine plain?"

...just to note the fact that the door does swing both ways

i enjoy the shirt however. :)
BoP said:
Some things just aren't funny. :shrug:

Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'm with BoP. :disgust:

Why am I not surprised? Another in a long line of examples of how the left prefer to live in anger instead of finding humor, especially in properly prepared beer-enhanced batters. :brush: