Don Imus

He got fired for being stupid. Free speech in America has been dead since before I was born. I'm not so sure it ever existed.
I'd be interested to find out what Sharpton and Jackson said to Les Moonves during that meeting.
He is (was) paid to provide opinion of his selected topics.

There was no pre-determined boundry.

Taste is subjective.

What he said was probably uncalled for. I don't listen to him, I have no idea of the context in which he made the remark nor do I know squat about the Rutgers team nor its individuals.

If this forced his listenership to drop...good. He deserved it.

However, it's nothing but a witchhunt with Rev's Al & Jesse leading the pack.

Can you say Hymietown? Anyone else remember Tawana Brawley?

I'm not defending Imus, per se. I'm worried that we've become so damned PC we can't speak our peace for fear of outsiders calling for ,and in this case, getting him fired for something that does not afffect them.

He didn't call Al Sharpton politically incorrect names. He didn't demand Jesse quit Rainbow Push because of his use of slurs. (lotta good it would've done). The women on this team, I'd bet my life, had no idea that Imus even knew they existed until this controversy. Hell, they probably didn't know Imus existed.

Had the market decided this, I'd be on the bandwagon (nah, I'd be ignoring it). The market didn't decide. At least not until a couple of golddiggers got involved). Then, the advertisers were forced to take a stand on a has been radio host who said something insensitive at worst.

Rev Al said:
'It is our feeling that this is only the beginning. We must have a broad discussion on what is permitted and not permitted in terms of the airwaves'...
I just don't get the whole "we can insult our own people, but white people can't" bullshit that's out there now. If you can't hold your own race up to higher standards, how can you expect other people to?
A lot of people say insulting things about their own race but would like it if others did. Then there's a lot of people that don't do it.

Beside the point.

The thing is there's a lot of people on the air that say worse things than this all the time. Why did this get focused on like it shook the earth?

Yeah, it was a asshole remark. I think the media focused on it and blew it up for some reason where they don't do the same for Opie & Anthony, or various comedians, or whoever else. Why, I don't know.

Then Imus had to go and handle the whole thing like a moron. He certainly is an old fool.
Exactly as I said earlier. I hate that Al and Jesse get a backhanded victory out of this. But the end justifies the means.

Had it been a group of mainly white girls and some dickweed referred to them as skanky-assed Wonder Bread cracker sluts without provocation maybe you'd get it.

Freedom of speech is not free rein to say anything you want. I thought you'd have a grasp on that by now.

My world shall continue to rotate upon its axis precisely as it always has without the presence of Don Imus or his lamebrained "commentary". If yours won't, seek help immediately.
A lot of people say insulting things about their own race but would like it if others did. Then there's a lot of people that don't do it.

Beside the point.

The thing is there's a lot of people on the air that say worse things than this all the time. Why did this get focused on like it shook the earth?

Yeah, it was a asshole remark. I think the media focused on it and blew it up for some reason where they don't do the same for Opie & Anthony, or various comedians, or whoever else. Why, I don't know.

Then Imus had to go and handle the whole thing like a moron. He certainly is an old fool.

Actually Spike, it is specifically the point. If one person, regardless of race or creed, is allowed to say it and another person, regardless of race or creed, is not, then freedom of speech is a lie. Which, of course, it is. :shrug:
HA!!! It's all out in the open now. This whole thing wsa a plot to kill the NJ Governor.

CAMDEN, N.J. - Gov. Jon S. Corzine was in critical condition Friday but expected to recover after his SUV crashed into a guard rail while heading to a meeting between Don Imus and the Rutgers women's basketball team.

Send him to jail
Fuentes said it was unclear whether the governor was wearing his seat belt. State law requires front-seat occupants to wear seat belts.

With a trooper driving, I bet he was whether he was or not...
Actually Spike, it is specifically the point. If one person, regardless of race or creed, is allowed to say it and another person, regardless of race or creed, is not, then freedom of speech is a lie. Which, of course, it is. :shrug:

Well, you have a point but that's been going on forever. It's not right but it's human nature to get more defensive when someone outside your group talks about your group. You can be citicical of your mom but if someone else talks about her it's a whole different story.

It is not specifically the point with the Imus fiasco though. You may be right that total freedom of speech did not exist to begin with but that doesn't mean we should let it erode away further.
Had it been a group of mainly white girls and some dickweed referred to them as skanky-assed Wonder Bread cracker sluts without provocation maybe you'd get it.

It would be no different for me. Would it be different for you if it was some group of muslims geting called smelly towel headed jihadists?

My world shall continue to rotate upon its axis precisely as it always has without the presence of Don Imus or his lamebrained "commentary". If yours won't, seek help immediately.

I could give a crap about Imus. Like I said before he's a mumbling old fool and I don't understand how anyone can stand to listen to his show in the first place.

It's not about Imus. This sets a precedent where someone who is complying to the already ridiculous FCC regulations has to watch every word they say or risk having their livelyhood taken away. He's an asshole for making the remark but the witchhunt is ridiculous.

If this was someone in a position of authority it would be different but this is just an entertainer/comedian. The country is acting like we've never heard a comedian making fun of different races before. Hell, Carlos Mencia has a popular TV show where that's pretty much all he does.
This sets a precedent where someone who is complying to the already ridiculous FCC regulations has to watch every word they say or risk having their livelyhood taken away.

We agree. Check the date.

I had been expecting to see the ACLU to beat a path Imus' front door.

Good point.

and what the hell does jigaboo mean anyway?