Dave, I'm sorry and that's great! Every time we talked 'tech' about medicine, you sounded like you were waffling on that job and the whole ER experience. You've been at it for some time and it's no reflection on you to consider something that isn't ER related. Maybe it's a sign, a good thing, that you're getting out of that department now instead of down the line if it got worse than it already was. You didn't sound burnt out but it might have gotten there if you had stayed. So I'm sorry the decision was so quick but I'm glad that you're moving on to something better and probably more rewarding.
As far as making mistakes goes, although it's a scary thought to non-medical types, everyone makes mistakes from time to time. I'm glad it wasn't the kind that was detrimental and that the patient came out fine. I've seen colossal errors that could have killed people more than once (not my errors, mind you

). I hope you don't get involved in a legal case with this patient but if you do, I would write down everything now. I was almost involved as a witness in a child abuse case and by the time I was made aware that I might have to testify it was a year later and I had forgotten so much of what had happened that day.
Keep us posted on the job search and good luck with it! I hope you can afford to enjoy at least some of the time off, possibly enjoy the weather. By the way, I have a wedding I'm attending up there in August, I can't remember if you're north, west or south of Boston but it's probably going to be near Whitinsville where they live. If we're close enough to your neck of the woods, maybe we could meet up and do dinner or something.