don't hate me cuz i'm lucky...

Luis G said:
When may arrives, i'll be cooking my ass with temps of 40ºC :eek:

Wimp. :p You still can't beat my record of over 140F in the shade during my trip to Kuwait. :p
Lopan said:
*cough* wankers *cough*

The date changes, the forecast doesn't.
That's exactly what I do like about the weather here.
There's a say's around these parts...
"If you don't like the weather, just hang around, it'll change" :lloyd:

Gato_Solo said:
Wimp. :p You still can't beat my record of over 140F in the shade during my trip to Kuwait. :p
If I lived over there, I'd probably wear a towel on my head too. :alienhuh:
Gato_Solo said:
Wimp. :p You still can't beat my record of over 140F in the shade during my trip to Kuwait. :p

WOW, Was that within a city or in the middle of the dessert?
Luis G said:
WOW, Was that within a city or in the middle of the dessert?

Open desert. We had a thermometer set with a maximum reading of 140. At around 12:15, it was past 140...pegged out. :eek:
Luis G said:
AC ;)

But i'm sure you could do just fine without snow, a minimum/maximum temperature of -4/15ºC on winters like us ;)

Not too far off of what we get here. We see snow about once every three years - once.
WOW, that's odd to me, I thought everything a bit norther than Mexico gets snow during winters.
Luis G said:
WOW, that's odd to me, I thought everything a bit norther than Mexico gets snow during winters.

hahaha no no no

Southern states don't get much if any snow...I can't tell ya where exactly they start having significant snow...but it ain't near the mexico border
it snowed my first day in atlanta...maybe a quarter of an inch. it was the first snow i had seen in 10 years of living in the south. i saw snow in montana during that time but that doesn't count.
It once snowed here... in 1988. It wasw a light dusting, maybe a 16th of an inch, but it was enough to close the freeway and send everyone into a panic.
Inkara1 said:
It once snowed here... in 1988. It was a light dusting, maybe a 16th of an inch, but it was enough to close the freeway and send everyone into a panic.
That ain't snow man, that's a frost.
I don't consider anything under 2" a real snow.
I was in the NC mountains and it snowed 4'. That's a 'decent' snow. :lloyd:
I wish I had pictures of the one day blizzard we had here. In snowed so heavily all Saturday night into Sunday and by Monday around noon or so, it was all melted off the streets. Then on Tuesday it was about 65 or so outside.
HomeLAN said:
I'm in hell, but that's the price you pay. I just feel sorry for V2.0. 2 extremely allerigc parents, he got the double slam. We finally have his issues under control (after a near miss with pneumonia), but he's on three, count 'em three, medications, including an inhaler.

my kids are all on medication too ... albuterol, xopenex ...
poor kiddies :(