DOOM! the Movie


Well-Known Member
Another fine movie starring "The Rock"


Looks like they combined screen captures from Doom III with live action.

Another miss!
Whadda ya mean 'miss'? Low brow one-liners, flexing sweaty muscles, gratuitous disembowelments, getting up time and time again from beatings that would leave 99% of us in the grave and the other 1% in traction without so much as a bruise, endless clip capacity, mundane script, laws of physics right into the rubbish bin, slo-mo alien firefights... its been winner material for the last 20 years.
unclehobart said:
Whadda ya mean 'miss'? Low brow one-liners, flexing sweaty muscles, gratuitous disembowelments, getting up time and time again from beatings that would leave 99% of us in the grave and the other 1% in traction without so much as a bruise, endless clip capacity, mundane script, laws of physics right into the rubbish bin, slo-mo alien firefights... its been winner material for the last 20 years.
If they'd actually gone through the trouble of making the 'action' parts look like part of the movie instead of a series of screen captures, I might agree with you.
Stuff blowing up is fun to see, on screen. Lame effects...feh!
Didja see the trailer? :p
No I did not watch the trailer. I have a small amount of dignity to protect. Watching such a thing would only expose my fragile core to the radiated sewage of other viruses... like American Idol, Survivor, and Monster Garage.
unclehobart said:
No I did not watch the trailer. I have a small amount of dignity to protect. Watching such a thing would only expose my fragile core to the radiated sewage of other viruses... like American Idol, Survivor, and Monster Garage.
but but...I like Monster Garage. Beats the hell out of "Pimp my Ride" anyday of the week! :D
MrBishop said:
but but...I like Monster Garage. Beats the hell out of "Pimp my Ride" anyday of the week! :D
Ugh. Your soul is lost then. Be sure to give my regards to Hitler as you slide into the lava pools of the underworld.
unclehobart said:
Ugh. Your soul is lost then. Be sure to give my regards to Hitler as you slide into the lava pools of the underworld.
Killing millions=watching reality TV ?
Millions of people...millions of brain cells. You got me there. :)

Luckily for me, I only see TV when I'm at other people's houses.
My soul must be redeamable...I wonder if they're showing "Sound of music" tonight.
unclehobart said:
No I did not watch the trailer. I have a small amount of dignity to protect. Watching such a thing would only expose my fragile core to the radiated sewage of other viruses... like American Idol, Survivor, and Monster Garage.

Throw in Jerry Springer there...... On the other hand... Myth Busters is great :D
Liliandra said:
Throw in Jerry Springer there...... On the other hand... Myth Busters is great :D
Myth Busters really is great. It's funny... but slipshod as hell insofar as the things they are trying to disprove.
unclehobart said:
Myth Busters really is great. It's funny... but slipshod as hell insofar as the things they are trying to disprove.

ya, a bit here at there (trombone episode, lol) but at least it's funny :D (jet engine/taxi cab episode :lol2: )