Doormat-In-Chief does it again

I like him better in khaki.

But hey, I'll post some images too.


Too bad that stuuf you made up didn't fly. Ever watch Sesame Street?
Americans Overwhelmingly Say Obama Bowing To Japanese Emperor Was Appropriate -- Even In A Fox Poll
Eric Kleefeld |

Despite a lot of complaining by conservatives, the American people don't actually have any problem with President Obama bowing to the Emperor of Japan -- and that's according to the new Fox News poll.

Respondents were asked: "When the president of the United States is traveling overseas, do you think it is appropriate for him to bow to a foreign leader if that is the country's custom or is it never appropriate for the president to bow to another leader?"

The numbers: Appropriate 67%, Never appropriate 26%. Even a majority of Republican respondents were okay with the bow, by a 53%-40% margin. Democrats weigh in at 84%-9%, and independents 62%-30%.

I doubt they approve of puking on him though.
I'd agree that most people that take Fox News polls are probably fools. But at least most of them aren't foolish enough to whine about stupid crap.
Doormat-In-Chief takes it up the arse again!

hee hee hee hee hee
no wait that's not funny it's true!
Sorry my Bad ;)