DOW over 9900

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by the popular local prevailing sense of immediate and proximate causality, obama's economics are an obvious success. we're coming out of the recession.

the economic mess that it took bush eight years to build, obama has destroyed in nine months.

go team commiemuslim!

Is there any existing or future government legislation that will encourage economic activity?
For some folks there is no hope. Get married run off some ego boosting carbon copies, go to work, be bitter about the sad state of the nation, pay taxes, then die. Enjoy!
well it Does take a while to spend 12 trillion dollars.
especially when other countries are on edge about the value of the dollar

ended back below 9900
And it looks like the Cannuckistani dollah is going to hit parity with the greenback before Xmas.
The market is growing but the value of the dollar is shriking as well as the faith other nations have in it. As long as we keep printing deutchmarks, we'll be okay.

Hey, look, a deal...only 50,000m for a loaf of bread.
Aww the joys of a Winky free life....

I decline further comment on the grounds that it might cause negative vibes and screw with the aura!
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