Drag racing


New Member
I was just reading this article from my local news provider:

Two men sentenced to three years for deadly drag race in Muttontown


(05/06/05) MINEOLA - Two men who pleaded guilty to manslaughter in a fatal Muttontown crash three years ago were sentenced Friday.

Twenty-year-old Kyle Soukup and 22-year-old Blake Slade will spend three years in jail for a drag race that turned deadly.

The two crashed into a Jeep on Route 106 that engaged couple, Jean Desir and Sophia Bretous, was driving. Officials say Soukup and Slade were going 139 miles per hour at the time of the crash
They used the 'black box' in the Corvette to determine the speed they were going when they crashed. This is a link to the article that has a video where you can see the Jeep. It's unrecognizable if not for the name on the wheel:


There are two parkways I drive every day that are known for their drag racing. There are tell tale smudges of rubber throughout the year. And each year, there are new skidmarks leading off the road and new memorials on a new tree.

How stupid are these fucking kids? Every year, people their age DIE on these roads, doing this shit. Yet, they still do it thinking, it won't happen to me.

Is it as much of a problem in your area? Do you hear about this stuff a lot where you live? Drag racing season is near, once the weather gets nice, I'm sure there will be more stories like the one above. :(
there used to be a few quarter mile street strips around here a number of years back. the cops got super agressive then the areas got developed so its not as much of a problem now as it was. still hear of the occasional drag racing incident but its usually in the lesser developed 'burbs.

BTW, the link is no good. asks for login or subscription.
Winky said:
Nah we have running gun battles
with semi-automatic assault rifles.

:confused: Either they're semi-automatic, or assault. There is a difference, you know. ;)
"I" do but the gun banning liberals don't!

Heck even the M-16's of today are limited to three round burst.
drag racing not so popular here as our roads are less straight - it's harder to hit 100mph+ while trying to corner.
22 y/o... 3 year old so-called accident. I say outright murder. That would make the s.o.b. 19 at the time. WtF!? A 19 year old with a then brand new Corvette?

Nice high school graduation present there mom and dad.
Greenfreak said:
How stupid are these fucking kids?

Tis a good thing. Remove the weak & stupid from the gene pool. Another reason to preach abstinence...don't allow them to breed prior to getting a license.
I'd be fully in agreement with you if all the accidents were car vs. tree instead of car vs. person on the sidewalk.
When I first saw the title of this thread I thought of an old Python sketch where Eric Idle and Graham Chapman were having a footrace in high heels dressed as women. "Drag" racing. :lol:
chcr said:
When I first saw the title of this thread I thought of an old Python sketch where Eric Idle and Graham Chapman were having a footrace in high heels dressed as women. "Drag" racing. :lol:

Hmmm. Someone says drag racing, and the first thing to cross your mind is men dressed as wimmen. Insightful, if :tmi:
Drag racing Drive-bys
Graffiti, Car jackings’

oh well, sure beats Iraq don't it?

A destroyed police car is taken away after a suicide car bomb exploded at an
intersection in southern Baghdad, Iraq,
Monday, May 9, 2005, killing three Iraqis and wounding nine,
an official said. The explosion hit two police
vehicles forming a checkpoint at the intersection
and several policemen and civilians standing or walking
nearby. (AP Photo/Karim Kadim)
unclehobart said:
22 y/o... 3 year old so-called accident. I say outright murder. That would make the s.o.b. 19 at the time. WtF!? A 19 year old with a then brand new Corvette?

Nice high school graduation present there mom and dad.
If they lived in that area, it would explain it. It's an extremely well-to-do area. But it could have been his parent's car. It's not uncommon to see high school kids in BMW's, Mercedes, etc. in those neighborhoods.