Dreaming is free


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see, I just dream of world peace.

So I would use myy money to become supreme dictator, and president for life of this whole rock.


New Member
I'd track down Luther Harris and give him the winning ticket as he is the finest human being I have ever met. His vision for the money would be a much better path than anything I could ever think of.


New Member
i would buy a small cottage on a small plot of land somewhere's nice and balmy like the florida keys where i would while away my days fiddling with one art project or another...or lovingly toiling in the veggie and melon patch...or sipping a brewskie in my hammock whilst the sun slowly sets on another perfectly serene day...that and buy a shitload of pretty underwear and perfume...i am a girl after all.


New Member
Professur said:
Could we rephrase that just a little? Shitload and underwear aren't words I like seeing so close together.
ooh...right...lets try plethora...a veritable cornucopia of undies.


New Member
Professur said:
You dream of that, do ya?
Not really. I dream of Roman Orgies and driving my enemies off of cliffs like lemmings... but tis hardly something doable with mere lotto money.


Well-Known Member
unclehobart said:
Not really. I dream of Roman Orgies and driving my enemies off of cliffs like lemmings... but tis hardly something doable with mere lotto money.
It'll help pay for the Rolls you use to drive them off with....:shrug:


New Member
Wow, some excellent ideas! :cool:

Of course, it goes without saying that we would all give to charity, family and friends first. Right? :swing:

Afterwards, we could all get together for a weeklong bacchanalia in my new house:

Little shack in Las Vegas

Screw the details, let's see them pitchers

The funny thing is, I don't gamble . . . and I have never bought a lottery ticket in my life. True! :lloyd:

*Disclaimer: None of us are materialistic, we are all just dreaming. :D


New Member
Squiggy said:
I dream of the day when I can afford to play the lottery...:mope:

Ditto. :D

Besides, the odds of winning the lottery are, what, 1 in 8 -10 million?

The odds of being struck by lightning are 1 in 30,000.

The lottery is a tax on the mathematically challenged. :lloyd: