Dressing your pet up for Halloween?


Well-Known Member

So...do you torture your pets in this way for Halloween or other special events? Do they were little sweaters in the winter? Little booties or ribbons in their hair?

Fess up!
If I tried to put something other than a collar on any of my dogs I am almost postive it would be shreds within 10 minutes. So, no.
Awwww. I want to dress up the husband's lil dog so bad! There's a cute skunk outfit and a cute kitty outfit that I want to try.

But honestly, I don't see it happening.
I use to dress up our dog when I was a teenager. She loved it! Everytime the doorbell rang, she had to be the first one there to show herself off and she loved the attention she got. If no one noticed her, she'd give a slight bark so people would look down at her.

I don't think I could get away with doing that to my cats now though.
Heck no, I don't torture mine. I do let them chase the trick-or-treaters around the yard for exercise and entertainment though. :evilcool:
Mine wears a sweater on winter, she likes it and even asks for it. :shrug:
No pet-dressing for me. I don't even have a pet right now. "My" cat still lives with my parents, since a lot of apartments around here (including mine) have pets outlawed in the rental agreement.
nope. when she was alive we thought about putting a white stripe on her back to make her look like a skunk. we never did tho
i can barely keep collars on my cat's...dress them up? no thanks, i like my blood inside my body.
brownjenkins said:
i think dogs probably like the attention... dressing up a cat though is just wrong

I dont know. some cats love attention. but thats no reason to dress them up
Good grief no......they are animals not toys :eh:

If folks want to play dressing up they should buy dollies
How would you even go about dressing up a goldfish,tiny scuba tanks maybe???


Hell,the wife won't even let me dress her up :brow: