drill baby, drill

Nice! Now if only the oil companies could actually make it past all the bureaucracy and make some hole. -- How long do you guess?
0bama's war on our fragile coastal ecosystem won't be well received. The Greenie's heads will explode!
More smoke and mirrors by Obama.

Seems that Obama just delayed the process for the 2010-2015 lease plan for new development on the Outer Continental Shelf. Now he's pushing it back by a few years and claiming he did something good.

Basically he's just preventing anything from happening until after the next presidential cycle. He placating the stupid eco-commies until after they vote for him again.

WASHINGTON, D.C., Mar 8 - After more than a year of delays, Secretary of the Interior quietly announced last week that the Obama Administration will discard the 2010-2015 lease plan for new development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and wait until 2012 to put a new plan in the place. This means that the Administration’s initial six-month delay has turned into a three-year moratorium on new offshore drilling. Even if a new lease plan is implemented by July of 2012, no new lease sales will occur during President Obama’s term in office. It will also mark 45 months since Congress first lifted the moratorium.

“Secretary Salazar has finally confirmed what had long been feared – that the Obama Administration has no intention of opening up new areas for offshore drilling during his four-years in office,”said House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings. “In 2008, in a bipartisan agreement, the decades-long ban on offshore drilling was lifted that opened 500 million additional acres for new energy production. This area contains an estimated 14 billion barrels of oil and 55 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The American people expected the Administration to seize this incredible opportunity, not keep the ban in place for years down the road. This is now the ‘Obama Moratorium’ on offshore drilling and the responsibility for this delay lies squarely at his feet.

“Despite public comments that favored a new leasing plan by a 2-to-1 margin, the Administration has decided to disregard the overwhelming opinion of the American people who support opening additional areas to drilling. By extending this drilling ban to 2012, the Administration is single-handedly preventing new job creation, billions in new government revenue and increased energy security.”

And nukes? Yeah, thats not going to happen either. Obama has closed the ONLY waste facility, something required for any new nuke facility's.

More empty words from the Executive Office of the pResident.
This is actually what happened...
Obama Ends Ban On East Coast Offshore Drilling
"President Obama announced the end of a decades-old ban on oil and gas drilling along much of the U.S. Atlantic coast and northern Alaska on Wednesday, as part of an effort to reduce foreign imports and win support for an energy and climate bill."
"But actual drilling is likely years away, as individual state legislatures and governors would still need to approve exploration and drilling off their coasts and determine how near to shore they would allow it. Those states that permit drilling could get a chunk of the revenue, if Congress approves."
"The proposed expanded area in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, however, will effectively be on hold for years, as the moratorium on drilling there doesn't expire until 2022.

Congress had prohibited drilling off most of the U.S. coastline for decades, but that ban expired two years ago, clearing the way for the changes."
Yeah, thats what happened if you completely ignore that Obama killed a broader plan that was already underway.

It's a game, he moved us backwards and claimed progress.
You forgot one, he's not just a Kenyan, hes black too.

I see your ability to dismiss based on rhetoric is growing despite the facts.

.... everything that marxist muslim kenyan does is wrong.

Seriously, dooode, consider the fact the he is running this country. Or do you just pay your bills and say: "La, la, la,la."

Please indicate what you feel that Ole'"1 & Done" has done that you say
"alright! " to......
i like that obama:
is encouraging nuke plants
actually came up with a fucking strategy for afghanistan
is not a hayseed like his predecessor

i don't like that obama
is too far to the left for my general comfort
is doing this health care thing
had to bail out various companies that were "too big to fail"
is more concerned with his agenda than how it's going to be paid for
Obama has killed ANY chance of new Nukes by closing the waste disposal unit. A required preexisting condition for ANY new nuke plants.
You mean the strategy that Bush/Cheney left for Afghanistan?

It's going to be interesting when you suddenly discover your general comfort has been reduced to very uncomfortable. I hope you like wine-in-a-box.
Obama has killed ANY chance of new Nukes by closing the waste disposal unit. A required preexisting condition for ANY new nuke plants.
You mean the strategy that Bush/Cheney left for Afghanistan?
<snippety snip>
There was no strategy from Bush/Cheney other than to continue and prolong the war as long as possible.
It's going to be interesting when you suddenly discover your general comfort has been reduced to very uncomfortable.

um, go back and re-read what i posted. i did not express "general comfort" with obama, but rather that he "is too far to the left for my general comfort."

...and that's the last time i correct you when you're just goading anyway.
There was no strategy from Bush/Cheney other than to continue and prolong the war as long as possible.
well if that is ones view, you'd have to admit the "mission WAS accomplished"
right? :p