drill baby, drill

The MISSION was accomplished.

The folow up was a hassle (until they went with the surge-just like Obama did in Afghanistan)
"They asked us not to announce our findings publicly, and we agreed, giving them the benefit of our work and the benefit of the doubt," Cheney said. The strategy Obama announced in March bore a "striking resemblance" to what the Bush administration review had found, the vice president said.

Obamasan's "plan" was given to him.
Nothing could be better!

Obama is clearly the greatest president of the 21st century!

He’s won the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Brought peace to the Middle East by siding with the Arabs.
Closed Gitmo and given lawyers to the terrorists.
Put the CIA agents on trial and jailed the Navy Seals.
Saved the economy while giving everyone free healthcare.
Nationalized the banks, the mortgage industry, students loans
the auto industry and struck down that evil murdering Toyota!

Built all the nuclear power plants which stopped climate change
dead in it’s tracks.

Yes next he will give amnesty to all the illegals and bring the remainder
of the evil capitalist system under government control.

The legacy of his regime will be that the Republicans will be voted into
all three branches of government and be left holding the bag.

Simply brilliant!
Re: Nothing could be better!


I knew we kept you around for a reason.

well if that is ones view, you'd have to admit the "mission WAS accomplished"
right? :p
OK, you got me! :D They DID accomplish that mission.

Seems to me that the mission is continuing into this administration. I would like to see Afghanistan and Iraq take control of their own country and let our people come home. We have no desire to and no intention of occupying their country and running it for them.
Re: Nothing could be better!

Obama is clearly the greatest president of the 21st century!
0_o ORLY?

<snippety snip>
Yes next he will give amnesty to all the illegals and bring the remainder of the evil capitalist system under government control.
1986, Reagan (Republican) administration grants legal status to illegal immigrants

The legacy of his regime will be that the Republicans will be voted into
all three branches of government and be left holding the bag.

Simply brilliant!
We'll see. It's going to depend on how far to the Right the Republicans move themselves. What the Republicans have failed to notice is that the majority of voting Americans have political views in the middle. Many Democrats fail to notice too so I'm not siding with either on this. Many of the fiscally conservate Democrats ("Blue Dog") have retired from office and I am left wondering who will represent me and my moderate views in office. I'm not alone.
All up in my grill

Val, If someone has to explain a joke to ya it ain’t funny anymore.
Oh and congratulations on joining the Conservative movement.
You too Minks.
Re: All up in my grill

Val, If someone has to explain a joke to ya it ain’t funny anymore.
Oh and congratulations on joining the Conservative movement.
You too Minks.
I'm not much of a joiner. ;) Though I did join this board. Maybe that counts for something. :D

My political views have always been somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.