Drink More Water!


New Member
A long time ago, I read some advice from a nutritionist whose name I have forgotten. She suggested the easiest way to drink enough water was to make sure you drank the five critical times of the day.

She suggested drinking 12 ounces of water first thing in the morning, even before you showered. She followed up with recommending drinking 12 ounces of water before each of your three meals. Her last suggestion was to drink 12 ounces of water before going to bed at night. This pattern guaranteed you drank 60 ounces of water per day, and as she mentions, you will drink additional fluids between those times as a natural part of your meals, coffee breaks, and other activities.

I started following that plan and it works fantastic. It is easy to remember. You do not have to carry extra water with your everywhere. It may cause you to get up during the night to head to the bathroom, but that is then only shortfall I found.

When following this plan I invariably drank 84 to 96 ounces of water per day, once I added in other times I drank. It is an easy way to simplify the "get more water" theory. Anyone else have tips on how to drink more water?
yeah, I was drinking no straight water. I was all cola all day,
but I drink way more water now.
I use one of those Brita filtered pitchers. I think it's about the least
expensive on filters, or buying bottled water.
I use a filter way more than the life-span is supposed to be though. :p