dropping ZA, free firewall suggestions?

rrfield said:
I brought home a cisco pix 506e, one of 3 recently taken out of service at work. I like!

Do you really need it or is it just nice to have? :D
Just nice to have :) We had 3 not being used, so I asked my boss if it was cool to take one home, he said 'no problem'.
I got McAfee to try. The puter is now locking up every couple of minutes.

I can't download anything right now cause the internet goes out too much, Luis, thanks though. I'll go look at oldversions I guess.
If you got a fast download speed you can get it from that server you know about, just pm me to put it in there ;)
My preference is an external firewall, such as a router. Either way, it's all software but I believe the key is that an external firewall is more prone to fending off intrusion than a firewall that's internal to the computer your using. By the time a hack is made, your OS is already taking a dump before you can do anything about it, whereas an external firewall is just that, no one's own computer.

If I didn't have a router, then I'd use spare parts and build a cheap computer to use Smoothwall. Notice the hardware requirements.
I've been using the built-in firewall in the Linksys router and the standard Windows XP firewall with no problems.
I keep having to talk to the damned ISP who insist I keep the router off permanently so they can check the line "within 3 days". Firewall ok, router not. Makes no sense to me, but whatever. Just right now because of the DSL stupidity I got nuttin.

On the other hand, pwning my internets won't help them much.