
Have you ever in your own free will done a "hard" drug?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • No

    Votes: 11 64.7%
  • eh?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I have not

I would try shrooms but nothing else I don't think.

My bf is a regular marijuana smoker and he has done shrooms a few times but he would prolly dump my ass and/or kick my ass if I tried anything harder than those. Did you know that E makes your spinal fluid flow backwards?
well...I once smoked cocaine that I didn't know was in there...so I guess I could say that was not of my own free will...

but I smoked something someone rolled without knowing what was in it, so maybe it was of my own free will...or my own young stupidity :confbang:
Hallucinogens as hard drugs...it totally depends on what you consider 'hard'.

I think certainly as far as physical harm goes they are far less destructive on our society. However, take a healthy non-user and shoot them up with heroin or have them snort some coke and how would they react? Probably be messed up for awhile but they'de come out of it ok. Now take an unsuspecting healthy non-user and slip them a large does of acid or shrooms and how would they react. They might become dangerous or it might even change them for life. I think there are points here that make any conclusions relative.
I didn't really notice...it was the tingly mouth that gave it away :|

point taken, Hex, I just never really thought of it as such...I always considered it more on the lines of hash etc.
I've never consented to doing any of those drugs, nor do I think I ever will. Especially not hallucinogens.
hallucinogens are on my never ever try list...I'm goofy now & they certainly wouldn't help matters :D
I dunno...i had many an amazing and brilliant idea while under the influence of Hallucinogens and other hard drugs.
I just don't remember any of them:shrug:
