Dual boot Linux & Windows


Well-Known Member
You can do this right?
I have Windows .net Server Enterprise Edition on my PC. I can install Mandrake 7.2 and still be able to boot into Windows right?
Altron said:
You can do this right?
I have Windows .net Server Enterprise Edition on my PC. I can install Mandrake 7.2 and still be able to boot into Windows right?
yep,but I'd install Linux on its own partition or drive.I triple boot XPPro/Win98SE/Mandrake8.I'm not sure what "Windows .net Server Enterprise Edition"is though? so maybe wait for someone else to reply.
free download from their website? that's new to me...only thing i knew of is a few thousand selected peeps allowed to beta test...
you should be fine dual booting w/ leenux, although I concur with mr normal that you should install on it's on partition. .net server supposedly works well with ".NET applications", web services, xml applications, etc
.NET is evil. Microsoft would like to take over the Internet.

As for Mandrake. Version 9.0 is out. Version 7.2 will not recognize new hardware nearly as well and will not have up-to-date programs with it.
ditto with s4.

And i'd recommend you to install windows before installing mandrake. That way you won't have to mess with lilo.conf
Definately want to have Winders installed first. Drake should see the partition and add the entry into lilo or grub, whichever you use. Again, make sure you install it on it's own partitions.
Well Mandrake wanted it's own partition. My friend and i had it on a workbench with a old Maxtor hard drive "borrowed" form a Compaq Presario 7240 when my uncle came in and said not to touch it. I then tried to install XP Pro over .net. We reformatted and started installing. We had a bad CD, so now it's running DOS. So are our other 2 Compaqs...