Dubya and Condi sittin' in a tree...

valkyrie said:
... too bad she chose the wrong side to be on.

The winning side is not a bad place to pick. That & she has enought principle to not be a Democrat.
If I may, I'd like to thank our PiL exiles for their opinions and posts. Even though they're often silly, they have been missed.

Welcome back, if even only for a short time.
But you know a news item about W must be questionable if even the flaming liberals discount it. :D

All that aside, I'd rather NOT imagine either of those in bed with anyone. I mean, have you checked out the EARS on that dude, or that patented condi-glare?? *shudder*
ummkay, yeah, if there's a tape that comes out hopefully it will be more exciting than the tonya harding - jeff gillooly video. gillooly really don;t know how to move.