

molṑn labé
Staff member
You're getting a really kickass Dell

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO -- Dell has agreed to purchase high-performance PC vendor Alienware, the two companies announced Wednesday.

The acquisition will "complement Dell's own line of high-performance computers," while giving the Alienware products the benefits of Dell's "supply chain and operational efficiencies," the companies said in a statement.
I'd like to think that the Alienware culture will rub off a bit on Dell, but in my heart of hearts, I know that Dell will ruin Alienware. So much for well-done, mass-produced gamer's PC's.
i just hope AW's prices don't rub off.

You can build a AW machine for cheaper than they sell them for (excluding thier fancy case, but you can get a better case and it is still cheaper)

However, with Dell the prices are nearly equal to that of building it from the ground up with parts.

The high end Dells would be better if they had better video cards. I'm sure Nvidia or ATI would kill for contracts like that.
They might kill for it, but they won't commit suicide for it. Dell has a rep for squeezing suppliers hard. That might be why you don't see it.
the Dell XPS systems seem to have pretty high end graphics. Weren't they the ones who showcased a quad-SLI system at some convention?
My buddy had an XPS. After a year of a veritable driver hell, trying all sorts of things to get it working, he had to replace the video card, which was a $300+ part.

I've got two dells here. After a random MB death followed by spending $140 to get a new MB that wasn't even the same model, it works alright. The other one had horrible compatability problems with the Audigy.

I've lost all faith in the desktop PC market. Seriously. And those 'Build vs. Buy' articles in PC Mag piss me off. Like there's any fucking competition. And those people who are like 'For five hundred bucks I can just get a Dell that has tech support and saves me time and is the same speed as what I could build' piss me off too. Because they obviously haven't checked prices anywhere. Five hundred easily gets you a socket 939 AMD 64, a gig of RAM, a big hard drive, a dvd burner, a cheap case and PSU, and X300 or so graphics. Dell gives you a Celeron with 256mb and a cd-rom. And seriously, who makes a decision 'Should I build or buy my next PC?'. It's like saying 'Hey, should I take this wad of 20s and light it on fire?'. People don't make that decision. If they can build, they build. If they don't have the know-how, they buy. Plain and simple. Building is ALWAYS a better deal.

People who spend four digit sums on desktops (excluding peripherals) piss me off too. It's one thing to get better the more you spend, but $1,000 will net you an entry level dual core AMD proc, a decent S939 mobo, a 6600 or 6800 or X800 midrange card, a gig or two of RAM, a 120-250gb sata drive, dvd burner, generic case, and a solid but inexpensive PSU. Anything above is horribly diminishing returns.
I don't give my honest opinion to the customers.

For awhile, I would always reccomend against Bose. We had this Onkyo system that kicked the shit out of the Bose for less than half the price. I would always try to sell that. Then I realized - People don't buy stereos for sound. They buy them for image. They want to see 'Bose' on the front, they want the sleek all-in-one reciever, they want the cute little cube speakers with no highs and no lows. Most of all, they want to be happy with their purchase, and they want to think that they got a great system. To that end, Bose marketing has convinced them that Bose is the best money can buy, and they want to say 'I have a BOSE stereo, it's great!'
If they think it sounds good, then it will sound good to them.
i hate BOSE soooo much

i like to be shaken by bass and you just can't get it with them. i don't give a crap about the image...
Gonz said:
Bose & SONY...great marketing-decent products-nothing special.

Although with Sony, they do have several very high end pieces of equipment that some people like.

Their MDR-SA5000 headphones are pretty good too.
Some people also like Bose.

Cost/performance factor...they both suck.

In reality they are both decent brands but not worth the additional tag price.
Gonz said:
Some people also like Bose.

Cost/performance factor...they both suck.

In reality they are both decent brands but not worth the additional tag price.

Yeah, but did the people who like Bose compare it head to head with comparable equipment from other companies?

I did with the SA5ks and while I still prefer the sound of my beloved AKG K340s to them, they're pretty good headphones.
ekahs retsam said:
i hate BOSE soooo much

i like to be shaken by bass and you just can't get it with them. i don't give a crap about the image...

Really. Funny. I always considered music something to listen to, not get beaten up by.