dumb atms

HeXp£Øi± said:
I think it's even more idiotic(cunning, sly) to put 10 hotdog buns per bag when a package of hotdogs consists of only 8!! Then if i want an equal number of both i have to buy 4 packs of buns and 5 packs of hotdogs!!!!!!!!! GRRRRR:smash2:

yeah i hate that as well :grumpy:
I've been stuck using the ATM only for close to a month now. See, my account is with Cal Fed. Citibank bought Cal Fed a while back, and is now in the process of converting the Cal Fed locations to Citibank. Well, the Fresno locations have converted to Citibank a few weeks back and in fact Fresno was one of the first areas to convert. But my account was started in Paso Robles, which doesn't convert until this next weekend--one of the last areas to convert. So in the meantime, my account is with a bank that has no Fresno locations. If I go into Citibank here and try to do something with my Cal Fed account, they wouldn't be able to access it on the computer until Paso Robles converts. It's basically like walking into a Bank of America location that you don't have an account at to try to cash a check drawn on a Wells Fargo account.


If nothing else, at least the Citibank ATMs here don't charge me to access my Cal Fed account. So at least I've been able to desposit money into my checking account, although that has the downside of only $100 posting to my acount right away.
kuulani said:
anyone else think its stupid to have to punch in the two zeroes after the decimal on most atm machines? i mean, its not like the machine will give me $20.29, so why make me punch in the cents?

That's so when you do deposits and put in the amount of the check(s), you can put in the exact amount, including the cents.

Am I the only person who prefers machines? If I can do automated service, I'll choose that over standing on line for a person or waiting on hold every time.

I usually do my banking at 7am before I leave for work, so you really don't have a choice then. :shrug:
I'd rather use a machine and not have to trust some McDonald's wannabe to do the dataentry right. But if I'm saving the bank a salary, why are they still charging me so much for the freaking transaction?
I signed up for an account where they charge me a service charge if I go over 10 transactions per month. A transaction can be defined as a check cashed, any use of my bank card, even phone calls to their customer service counts. I never go above my limit because I only write four checks a month and use my bank card no more than twice or three times a month. And I never call for customer service; I use the automated service or go online.

I kind of resent companies penalizing you for choosing to speak to a person rather than a machine (for the sake of saving them money) but it works for me so far.
Bold thieves build complete ATM Fri May 6,12:18 PM ET

BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Audacious thieves in Romania have constructed a complete automated teller machine (ATM), minus the cash box, to steal the details of account holders, banking officials said.

Fake ATMs have appeared at apartment buildings or in areas of the capital where there are no banks, local papers reported.

Usually criminals only place a fake panel over an existing ATM, and do not construct a complete machine.

Police are investigating the incidents.

Romania's biggest bank, Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR), said customers should only use ATMs situated around bank branches. "Banks do not install ATMs in blocks of flats," BCR spokesman Cornel Cojocaru said.

Do I need to mention that good ideas seldom lie idle?
