dumb girl question #80bajillion


Staff member
the battery that would affect time is located on the... _______________ ?

and all I have to do is take it out, go to Radio Shack with it, and get the same and put it back in? T/F
This a compi question or a broken watch question?

If its a compi question, you don't want to remove it...just look at the numbers on it and buy a new one. It should be on the Mobo itself. Usually fairrly close to the processor as I recall.

If its a watch battery...take the whole watch to Radio Scrap and let'em do all the work :D
It is on the motherboard, if it is replaceable it should look like small chromed coin or like a really small D type battery.

Replace with an identical one and you're set.

New Mobo's ain't got them no mo
well...I'm gaining time :eek6:

thanks guys...that's what I thought, I just didn't wanna look like an idjit walking into Radio Shack - I'd rather do that here :eyemouth:
Leslie said:
well...I'm gaining time :eek6:

thanks guys...that's what I thought, I just didn't wanna look like an idjit walking into Radio Shack - I'd rather do that here :eyemouth:

You'd prefer looking like an idjit in front of your children, instead of complete strangers who may never see you again? Sounds (il)logical to me. :lol2:
Leslie said:
well...I'm gaining time :eek6:

thanks guys...that's what I thought, I just didn't wanna look like an idjit walking into Radio Shack - I'd rather do that here :eyemouth:
...in front of the RadioShack employee? :D
Most motherboards that have a replaceable CMOS battery use a CR2032. All our button cell batteries (including the CR2032) are $3.19, which comes out to $3.42 after sales tax in Atascadero, CA. I've sold enough of them to have the after-tax price memorized.