

Major contributor!
Michelle has been wanting a dog for quite some time now. Yesterday she told me about a dog they had down at the pound, a Beagle. The dog was old though. Has cataracts and looked to be around 14 or 15. She wouldn't last very long on the trail either as Michelle and I go backpacking and show-shoeing. Very loving, but just to old.

In another kennel there was this black and white dog. Patches was her name. Now it's Dutchess. She came from a very abusive family. It's taking some real patience and time to get her to warm up to me. We think it was the male figure in the former family that abused her. Anyway, this gal is LOADED with energy. She just loves to run. Pretty obedient, but very submissive. She's going to be going with us up to to do some snowshoeing next month. She should just love it out there. Probably will just get confused with all the trees though. :lol:
Damn it. I posted this thing in the wrong forum. Could one of the mods move it to the Lunatic Lounge or one that would be more appropriate for it?
Oh, and she loves pistachios. When you feed her, she's very very gentle with her teeth. She's gonna be a pretty nice dog I think. BTW, she's two now, so I doubt she'll grow any larger. SHe's about 25-30 pounds now. Underfeed, but we'll take care of that.

Took her out for a walk this morning and she drug me down the hill. Where is hell is all this energy coming from? hehehehe
wow. that is one funky color scheme that dog has. :D
kennel/pound dogs are the best.
Moved. :headbang:

Isn't submissive the same as obedient in the first place? :tardbang:

Nice dog though. :headbang:
No. She was cowering when her and I first met. Would go up to Michelle or another woman pretty freely, but a man she is very leary of.
I'm happy for Dutchess, Posty. Sounds like she found a good home...:D I'm sure she'll return the joy you've given her ten fold....
OOH!! a polka-doggie!:) I love that kind! ....who am I kidding? I love all the doggies.
She's a beauty Posty.:headbang:
Ok....maybe she wasen't ready to be tied up so I could run inside and get a pack of smokes....lesson learned.

Go inside, maybe three minutes tops. Turn my head and she's bolting....with the plastic newspaper rack....

It looked like it was chained down. Nope. The cahin wasen't actually chained to anything. Out in the street, stopping cars, chasing her...she's dragging this box and I can't keep up....christ.. About five cars pass by, slowly and when it's safe when I finally get a hold of her. She's is pissed. Hair on her head is standing up.

Now, she dosen't want anything to do with me. Whoever abused and neglected her must've been a real piece of work. Fucking prick. What little trust she had in me is now gone and I'll have to rebuilt it. Lesson learned though...never leave her tied to anything unless that object is tied down as well.
:( She'll be ok, it will take some time. We had an abused dog and he really never got used to certain things like the broom. But you can't stop a dog from loving you, thankfully enough. :)
Ohhh, and while I was picking up the little broshures that fell out of the little stand, some fucking asshole nearly ran her over. The guy backs up and she barely makes it out from under the back of his car. I just started yelling my ass off. The guy got out of his car, like twice the size of me...I'm thinking great...just what I needed.

Instead he starts apologizing. At least he did that. I cooled down and accepted. Poor girl. She had a horrible walk. She won't ever take a walk with me.