DVD copyright


I've been keeping track of the ongoing debate of can you back up your own stuff to another type of media for personal use. I found it particularly disturbing when I heard and I quote
The Chesterfield, Missouri-based 321 had argued that its products merely give consumers fair use of the movies they've purchased, including backing up expensive copies of children's movies in case the originals get scratched.
Jack Valenti, head of the Motion Picture Association of America, has suggested that consumers have no legitimate need for such software, telling The Associated Press in November, "If you buy a DVD you have a copy. If you want a backup copy you buy another one."
I think this is wrong and yes I know there are many ppl who would do the bad thing and copy not personally owned movies and so on and so forth but IMHO hes saying we shouldn't be able to do what we want with are own stuff even though we purchased it and only intend on using it for ourselves! :confused: I'm just confused and angry!

Oh, alright, fine. If anybody wants a copy of DVD-shrinker & DVD DeCrytper, let me know. I may have a connection :D