Educated People & Intellectual People.......What's the Difference??


New Member
Is there a difference between the two? If so, how would you describe each?

Can a person be both? If so, how so? If not,what are the limitations which prevent one from bein' both?
Intellectuals carry doctorates or have the ability to complete one. You can be educated in a field, but there is a leap between simply knowing your stuff and actually contributing and advancing a particular field.
Educated people know stuff.

Intellectuals are pompus windbags who understand less of what they know.
Read somewhere that in some places there is this... loathing towards "intellectualls".

Educated- Possessing an education (especially having more than average knowledge)
Intellectual- A person who uses the mind creatively.

Mmmmm. No windbags...

BTW: did a Ctrl+C Crtl+V on those... I´m not all that educated :D
So the difference is infinite.

"Imagination is more important that knowledge"
-Albert Einstein
An intellectual tells you that he knows everything there is to know about a subject and can't explain it.
Seriously, without them people that really know how to use their brains and not just store data we´d still be fighting the bears for a fucking cave.
I think there is a big difference between someone who is a educated, brilliant person than one who is an intellectual snob.

I have met both kinds of people and could tell the difference.
While there are a lot of pompous windbags in academia (and out for that matter), it pains me to agree with whatsizname. A true intellectual is someone who makes a contribution to their field. These people are in fact rare, but they do exist.

Edited because I am clearly neither.
I think there are both, sometimes in the same person, but often times not. I like to think of myself as educated in certain fields, and intellectual in others, but then what I feel is intellectual is often seen by others as pompous. It's difficult line.
I think Ricky Nelson said it pretty well: "you can't please everyone so you got to please yourself". :)
IMO an intellectual is educated, but it doesn't work the other way.
The irony of the subject is, an educated person can get all bent out of shape over a subject & it's taken with a grain of salt. If an intellectual does the same, people think the world is ending & there really is cause for alarm. By it's definition, intellectual is supposed to distance themselves from the emotional side & yet, most are highly charged.
Personally I would have said that the difference between the educated and the intellectual is basically where they are coming from.

What an intellectual does with knowledge bears little resemblance to what happens in everyday life, they do what they do for the sake of the subject, often operating on a higher plane.

Educated people tend to be more based in reality and use their knowledge for more practical purposes.

Or at least that is my experience.
Aunty Em said:
Personally I would have said that the difference between the educated and the intellectual is basically where they are coming from.

What an intellectual does with knowledge bears little resemblance to what happens in everyday life, they do what they do for the sake of the subject, often operating on a higher plane.

Educated people tend to be more based in reality and use their knowledge for more practical purposes.

Or at least that is my experience.

*falls to knees in awe at Aunty's observation*:wink2: