Eeek. There's a mouse on my desk

It's retailing about twenty bucks more than the MX1000. They're similar.

MX1000 said:
Features: PC • Mac • Cordless • USB • PS/2 • Application Switch • Internet Forward/Back • Cruise Control™ buttons • Tilt Wheel Plus Zoom™ • Right-Handed Comfort Grip • Rechargeable • Laser Technology

G7 said:
Features: PC • Cordless • USB • Scroll wheel • Application Switch • Tilt Wheel Plus Zoom™ • Right-Handed Comfort Grip • Rechargeable • Laser Technology
I just checked on that G7 mouse... 2.4 GHz, not good. That's the same frequency 802.11 networks run on. There's a possibility of interference there, just like there is with 2.4GHz phones.
I have a lovely MS Optical Cordless that I bought during a boxing day sale a few years ago


Except mine is the cordless version so the colours are reversed...

Anywhoo...when i got my laptop the case I bought came with one of them little laptop $12 in the store or something


minus the fancy cord extender thingy...

and I'll be damned if I didn't fall inlove with the damn thing and now anything bigger just feels funny and cramps my hand I have a perfectly fabulous cordless sitting my closet not being brother can't be hasseled with changing batteries so he doens't want it...

I might look into getting a fancier version of the same mouse...I dunno
greenfreak said:
I hate trackballs. My father had one and I always brought my own mouse over if I knew I'd be working on it for a while.
I think you either love them or hate them. Funny story, A friend of Dara's came over once and wanted to check something on the net. I told her to use my computer. After a couple of minutes (fairly long while, I thought) she calls out and says the mouse isn't working. I go in and she's sliding the trackball around on the desk. :lol:
crystal scan said:
i lovew that mouse, i want one so bad :fap: have to stop doing :fap:.....and get out and buy one. Oh and don't do that when you get it either, makes for a sticky mouse! :lloyd: