Egypt falling?

They would be those who are financing this little escapade (Iran is my guess)
whether they be muslim or no, or MB/radical or no (I think no mostly on that),
I still do think it's real grass roots.

Paid people aren't that passionate that long.
Real oppression will do it though.
I think they'll jump on the bandwagon with whichever side they think is winning/gonna win.

no, they won't, because they are too ideologically driven. it's about as likely as the US and russia forming an inter-military operations thingy to run a joint northern hemisphere missile shield.
They would be those who are financing this little escapade (Iran is my guess)

funding what? water bottles for the blue-jeaned protesters? or maybe pens and paper for the muslim brotherhood guys, who have a view of islam radically different than that of extremist iranian shiites? what are they supporting?

but please, if you have special knowledge of the grand conspiracy, fill us in on the details. could be fascinating.
at some level i'm sure that's already going on. but you think this guy's gonna let it get too nicey-nicey?

True the inscrutable Chinese got smart a long time ago and threw in with the capitalism a decade sooner than the Rooskies.
A cursory glance at post Soviet economic advancement reveals that they still have a long way to go.
At this rate the rest of the world will never catch up with the first world nations.
try telling that to all the indians i run in to in big US companies with titles like director and VP.

and next time your aging ass needs its scheduled colonoscopy, take a peek at the the guy with the love stick. his name will probably be tahir or apu.
That's right now with Osamacare
only 3rd world rat eaters are willing
to waste time being doctors?

well when you consider how long ago those doctors likely went through their training, it kinda says we been gettin' dumber for years.

Right about the time the NEA kicked in, the test scores started dropping.
yeah, well, what do you expect from a bunch of half-wits? want smart kids? keep 'em away from public school teachers. the ones i've met are ultraduds. but i guess i'm preaching to the choir on this one.
Where's the ROI?

hah in that case yer right
you only get screwed
six ways from Sunday