Egypt falling?

Democracy is nothing more than polite anarchy. The founding fathers rejected it for the USA. With Canada's upheavel, I have to wonder, in the unlikely event of an invasion, who's controlling the front office?

As for Egypt,
The Egyptian cabinet approved yesterday a decree-law that criminalises strikes, protests, demonstrations and sit-ins that interrupt private or state owned businesses or affect the economy in any way.

The decree-law also assigns severe punishment to those who call for or incite action, with the maximum sentence one year in prison and fines of up to half a million pounds

The more things change...
i see your concern, but there are plenty of folks upset about that guy, including the military, which is exactly why his influence will be attenuated by needing to negotiate with everyone else. we've always known the MB would have some influence. but it will not be overwhelming. if it becomes part of the caliphate, then you can say i told you so. but that won't happen.
I held out optimism for them as long as I could, but
some people just can't be helped.
The only hope I have for them is now that the military will keep them
from getting really really radical.
they don't need your help. or perhaps you know what is best for them better than they do.

the military? using force against them will radicalize them.
I never said I knew what was best for them.
I have just expressed my view of what I'd like to see.

as far as the military using force....
it depends on how it's done,...I think
Yeah probably if they do like Mubarek (or ever how you spell it).
I have no doubt that no matter what, 100% will never be satisfied. (just like anywhere)
A people will accept most things if they see or perceive it's making their life better somehow.
well, you're right that 100% will never be satisfied. shit, look at us...

i find it curious that the lefties in egypt are at least at the moment in a block with the MB against the remainders of the old regime. given that the lefties are not down with "hardcore" sharia, it appears that the MB may be happy enough to pursue a moderate path. maybe. not holding my breath.
Every war we've been in has been the result of a Demoncrat president
what Obambo has sown, we shall soon reap

The globalist cabals seem to embrace islam as their preferred 7th century useful idiot religion. And thats great, they can do that over there,, not so much.
Nope, Doc checked just recently, nothing unusual up there.

Seems obama has kept true to his words from his book. He always seems to side with the muslims.
well don't worry, we (the most important-est and secret-est cabalists) know you are a loyal talibani, so everything will work out fine for you.

Uncle Sam's got himself in a terrible jam
put down your books and pick up a gun, we're gunna have a whole lotta fun.
and it's a 1 2 3
Egypt constitutional vote: 'Things are definitely worse than under the old regime'


Egypt's new Sharia-based constitution has been approved in a second round of voting, the ruling Muslim Brotherhood party said


I'm so excited to see what happens in Libya & Syria. Thank you President Obama, you da man