

Staff member
Twice in three days (never before), my puter has flipped to 640x480, and told me that the (whatever) display driver has quit working and I need to reboot.

wtf does this mean?
Hmm... that has happend to me a few times over the years and always for different reasons.

1. A recent download being a PITA
2. A hijacking javascript
3. Recent Windows update conflict
4. Vidcard getting flaky
5. Old removed program that wasn't fully removed coming back and trying to use an updater or adbot that is getting wonky because it can't find its host program again.

The list can be quite long.

Do you use Zonealarm? I would go into that and make sure that only the programs you recognize have the green checkmarks that get the free pass onto the net.

Run antivirus

Run adware remover

The last time such a thing happend to me, I fixed it by running McAfee Quickclean. It apparently found something rogue and nipped it out of the loop.
I have SP2, but the error message is right. hmmm.

The DisplayDriverName display driver has stopped working normally. Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to report this failure to Microsoft.
I just updated the Display drivers, and I'll run all my spyware stuff now and see what comes up. Then I pray.

I'm glad it's not seeming to be hardware, that was scary :eek:
yep, check to make sure you don't have anything.."wild tangent" on there too.
The spyware sweeper might not pick it up.
Any other 3rd party type screen savers. NG :thumbdn:
hmm. the kids have been randomly turning on the aquarium screensaver before I get up mornings. :alienhuh: WildTangent keeps on comin back no matter what I do :(
Removal Instructions:
The packaged uninstaller actually works good enough for most of us: If not, they supplied some good instructions here. Here's what they say:

To remove the Web Driver, and associated software, please do the following:

Open Control Panel -> Add/Remove programs
Select the WildTangent Web Driver
Click Remove
Select the WildTangent Updater
Click Remove
Select the WildTangent GameChannel
Click Remove
After uninstallation, open your Windows directory, and delete the wt folder
Delete the c:\program Files\WildTangent directory
Please Note: If the Wildtangent Control Panel icon still appears in the Windows Control Panel, you may need to search your computer's hard drive for any occurance of the files "wtcpl.dll" and "wtcpl.cpl" and remove it. This occassionally occurs when an older version of the Web driver was partially removed.

Destroy Autorun:
Delete the following keys
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\WildTangent CDA
Reboot your system then:

Make sure you click start --> Run and type in msconfig. Then select the startup tab. Any references to the processes below.

End Processes (may or may not exist):

Unregister DLLs:
Each file is in several locations so you'll need to search for them and unregister + delete them in every location you find. These are found in quite a few locations so you'll have to search for them, unregister them and then delete them everywhere you find it running.


Remove Directories:
%profile%\local settings\application data\wildtangent
It can also be hiding in weatherbug. Delete that piece o' trash if you have it. AIM 5.5 + has it imbedded. Have you blocked all of the trash via the firewall monitor?
I got rid of aim and got trillian just cause of this, don't have weatherbug. I don't get why it keeps coming back. I run spybot and adaware, (today there was nothing but 3 cookies) and have spyblaster running.
I tried to help a friend by phone with a WildTangent problem a few weeks ago, and we encountered the exact same obstacles. No one solution alone worked to fix it. I finally found instructions similar to the ones unc posted and that was the beginning of the answer. Several AdAware/SpyBot runs and reboots later, it was finally gone. But I told him to forever more avoid the free T&A screensavers he was so fond of as they were likely the culprit.

Good luck.
Most of it should be taken by the temporary internet files folder, that thing is the devil I tell you.
but still...when you do it with Windows, then spybot, and adaware, and the tweaky thing cat posted above, and there's still all that CRAP :eek:
Leslie said:
but still...when you do it with Windows, then spybot, and adaware, and the tweaky thing cat posted above, and there's still all that CRAP :eek:

Well, you could stop surfing the net...