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unclehobart said:really? I've never seen it. All I've ever seen are DOT tests that never seem to end. I've yet to see a single useful tidbit broadcast on one of those things.
Yep. Here, it's called Levi's Call
unclehobart said:really? I've never seen it. All I've ever seen are DOT tests that never seem to end. I've yet to see a single useful tidbit broadcast on one of those things.
PuterTutor said:What is your take on this Lacey, you're 14, right? Any feelings you'd like to share?
kuulani said:And as usual, the spotlight-grabbers are coming out with their usual, "oh yeah, she came into my store/house/restaurant, blahblahblah" ... "she looked into my eyes, and she looked scared, blahblahblah" ...
i just want to beat all of them![]()
Wearing a wig, sunglasses and a makeshift veil, Elizabeth denied her identity when police asked who she was.
"She made those statements, 'You guys think I am Elizabeth Smart. I am not,' " Sandy Police Sgt. Victor Quezada said. "She kept denying who she was, right to the very end."
Quezada said he and his fellow officers decided to "give it one more shot" as they put Mitchell, Barzee and Elizabeth into police cars, asking again if the girl was Elizabeth Smart.
The teenager dodged the question.
"She uttered the words, 'Thou sayest,' " Quezada said, "and I had never heard that phrase before."
Nevertheless, Quezada said, "we took that as a yes."
Elizabeth Smart was a regular visitor to a Salt Lake City supermarket after she was kidnapped and would often spend hours hanging out there, a store employee told CNN Thursday.
Her identity was not known to Erin Johnson, an employee of Wild Oats Market, until after her arrest.
Not only was Elizabeth's face covered with a veil, Johnson said, but she was "taller than I was, and I'm 20, so I didn't really think about it."
Mitchell had long been an oddity in the Salt Lake area, Johnson said, and she had noticed him years before.
"He sticks out. He dresses like Jesus, completely," going so far as to wear sandals and a loincloth, she said. "He's kind of a Christian extremist. People ask him, 'Why are you dressed like that?' He's very defensive."
unclehobart said:so... how long before we see wildfire bidding for the movie rights?
Squiggy said:I'm sure thats already underway...