Empty holster student protest this week

I'd just like to point out one thing where US gun laws are concerned, if I may.

The common US citizen is allowed to drink alcohol unsupervised at the age of 21 .. there rest of the world at 18 on average.
Allowed to drive a 2000lbs+ vehicle at over 60mph at the age of 16.
To give birth at pretty much any age they can manage.
To apply for and spend on credit far in excess of any reasonable chance of repayment.

Now, I know what you're saying .... there are monitors on all of those. Laws against public drunkenness. Driving exams, statutory rape laws and credit application scrutiny. But none of them have been outright outlawed. Why? Every one of them has at least as good a chance of ruining and ending someone's life as an accidental or deliberate shooting.

If your average Joe Q. Citizen can't be trusted to own, keep, and control a firearm, how exactly can you attribute the same person the trust to vote intelligently, raise children, drink and/or drive? It makes no sense. Either this is an intelligent, rational person who warrants trust, or not. You can't trust half way.
I'd just like to point out one thing where US gun laws are concerned, if I may.

The common US citizen is allowed to drink alcohol unsupervised at the age of 21 .. there rest of the world at 18 on average.
Allowed to drive a 2000lbs+ vehicle at over 60mph at the age of 16.
To give birth at pretty much any age they can manage.
To apply for and spend on credit far in excess of any reasonable chance of repayment.

Now, I know what you're saying .... there are monitors on all of those. Laws against public drunkenness. Driving exams, statutory rape laws and credit application scrutiny. But none of them have been outright outlawed. Why? Every one of them has at least as good a chance of ruining and ending someone's life as an accidental or deliberate shooting.

If your average Joe Q. Citizen can't be trusted to own, keep, and control a firearm, how exactly can you attribute the same person the trust to vote intelligently, raise children, drink and/or drive? It makes no sense. Either this is an intelligent, rational person who warrants trust, or not. You can't trust half way.

Who the hell says we trust one another? In God we trust; all others pay cash with 2 photo IDs.
I'd just like to point out one thing where US gun laws are concerned, if I may.

The common US citizen is allowed to drink alcohol unsupervised at the age of 21 .. there rest of the world at 18 on average.
Allowed to drive a 2000lbs+ vehicle at over 60mph at the age of 16.
To give birth at pretty much any age they can manage.
To apply for and spend on credit far in excess of any reasonable chance of repayment.

Now, I know what you're saying .... there are monitors on all of those. Laws against public drunkenness. Driving exams, statutory rape laws and credit application scrutiny. But none of them have been outright outlawed. Why? Every one of them has at least as good a chance of ruining and ending someone's life as an accidental or deliberate shooting.

If your average Joe Q. Citizen can't be trusted to own, keep, and control a firearm, how exactly can you attribute the same person the trust to vote intelligently, raise children, drink and/or drive? It makes no sense. Either this is an intelligent, rational person who warrants trust, or not. You can't trust half way.

Also, none of the above is specifically enumerated in the Supreme Law of the Land as a right.
Jim, not to be rude, but frankly ... your supreme law of the land matters not a gnat's testicles to me. I'm talking common sense, not the cranial masturbation of your legal system.
Jim, not to be rude, but frankly ... your supreme law of the land matters not a gnat's testicles to me. I'm talking common sense, not the cranial masturbation of your legal system.

When it comes to common sense, the only thing that stands between you and runaway government intervention in every aspect of your life is that pair of gnat's testicles.

Unless, of course, you are located in a foreign country and then all bets are off.
When it comes to common sense, the only thing that stands between you and runaway government intervention in every aspect of your life is that pair of gnat's testicles.

Unless, of course, you are located in a foreign country and then all bets are off.

Given that I'm not in the US ... not really. Not to mention, I'm a monarchist. You do know how you effect a change of gov't in a monarchy, doncha? By making your leader shorter when he forgets who's really running the show. Been doing it for thousands of years before anyone even thought of guns.
Prof, what you've probably missed counting....
Back when My GreatGrandParents were 16-17, the Mentality was much more mature. (at those ages)

Times have changed, and Some of the laws change Right with them, but just
like the illegal immigration issue, the politicians have progressively gotten
more corrupt, and try to get votes Any way possible, thus the voting thing.

The Whole voting system is so screwed up....I just don't even wanna talk about it no more.
(improper english purposely ;))

edit: oh and as said before IMHO, land holders, and a 'few' other groups should be the only ones voting.
Cat ... was it the mentality .... or merely the expectation? Today, you've got people admitting to total incompetence for monetary gain. "Look at me. I can't even be trusted with a fucking cup of coffee." So the laws get tighter and tighter. Not because the people are any less intelligent, or mature, but simply to 'protect' people from those who would abuse the system. These gun laws are only more of the same.

this is what happens when stupidity isn't a crime.
We have guns because we don't trust the gov't. So the gov't comes in & panders to the stupid. Instead of them dying, they multiply. They then get into gov't & create laws to protect the stupid, to keep them from dying. The best way to do that is to put Oprah on every afternoon & tell 'em how bad guns are. So we hand over our autonomy to a beauracrat & the gov't becomes our keeper.
Can anyone, here, imagine what this nation would be like by now if the right to firearms had never been written into the Bill of Rights?

Simply look at the Alien and Sedition Act of 1801 to see how soon after the founding the attempts at tyranny began.
Damn, Gonz! You posted while I was editing into the post about the A&S Act. You sure are a quick study.