encounter with TSA

really jim...? what is their mission? does it involve foreign intelligence gathering? it must given what you're citing as examples. i suppose you can cite the teenage pregnancy rate and motor vehicle accidents as failures of the TSA as well then.

it's really neat-o how you come to your (well, not your, since you're a dittohead) tribalist nonsense conclusions and then try to backfill the 'fact gap' with spurious ca ca.
Is that the best you can do to illustrate how the TSA has foiled multiple hijacking attempts?
It's a tried & true minkeyism...if he doesn't have an argument, he'll call you a poo-poo head & blow a bronz cheer at you.

It really has gotten tiresome.
what was my argument? that i've had hundreds of encounters with TSA and they have never been dickheads?

you and yer pals are going apeshit trying to indict TSA with any petty angle you can think of, and, perhaps unknowingly, playing moronic logic games. e.g. jim posts nineteen things which largely have nothing to do with TSA's responsibility. talk about tiresome.
OK the TSA is great and it keeps us safe like everything else GW did
life in these United States is great and is about to get even better,
by the time the polls close tomorrow ;)
mitt's gonna go full cornholio once he ascends the throne. i for one look forward to the spectacle. and an enhanced business environment.
I heard it on Limbaugh today
I've wondered what the excuse was going to be
for not repealing OsamaCare
It's already begun
We can't repeal it unless we get the Senate.
There it is.

But yeah I'll take the 'enhanced business environment'.
and the cheap assed gasoline
WOOHOO!!!! Finally, they caught someone

"they said could be used"

"ornate watch that had switches, wires and fuses"

"there were no explosive materials in the watch"

"charged with possessing materials to make an explosive device"

"no actual explosives were found"

"carrying potentially dangerous materials"

"made alterations to his boots"

"McGann told Transportation Security Administration officers that he's an artist and the watch is art"

"owner and creative director of a media production company called Generator Content"

"He attended the Art College Center of Design in Pasadena from 1984 to 1987"

Nothing to see here. Just TSA justifying their existence.