Equal but in our favor

The only *less than perfectly reasoned* thought pattern here was your taking two incomparable incidents (one of which was some random unnamed students comment) and trying to make some broad generalization...


i hereby now declare SnP to be the king of half-baked analogy.
Just as I suspected.

Point out the ridiculousness of thought patterns and the knees jerk.

You guys are peaches. Really. It's reactions like spike and spike junior that let me know I ain't too far wrong about contemporary idiocy.

Carry on now. Y'all got trees to hug and taxes to raise and soldiers to slander. Busy busy busy.

actually we're still just waiting for you to explain how your comparison is logically sound. and that has nothing to do with tree hugging or soldier slandering. but hey, nice try. maybe we should also declare you king ad hominem.

glad to know that i'm associated with contemporary idiocy. thanks! you're pretty sharp, too!